There is a zero percent chance that 1 million people would want to go to his hate rally even if it wasn't during a pandemic!

Especially considering the entire population of Tulsa is less than half that amount. He's a liar just like his boss.

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Oh yay!

The shitfests are starting again!

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I have been watching protests mostly on social media. Everyone has been talking about PPE since about day 2. Also apparently lots of people handing out masks and high % of usage.

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Who have to go to keep their jobs, and have no access to effective PPE.

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They're always such SLOBS.

Have you seen an arena after a KKKTrump rally? It looks like Jurassic Park after the dinosaurs came through.

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It never fails to astonish me that 20,000 people are willing to stand on long lines, to go into an arena, to hear a fool babbling about low flush toilets, and the crooked fake media. It's the same shit out of his mouth ALL the time, so why would you wait on line to listen to it? Racism is a helluva drug, I guess.

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They're afraid of what abusive, punitive thing he might do, enabled by the Republican governors, to their city budgets

The next city after the first one he stiffed for one of those rallies should have said "Not till after you pay your bill from the last one".

They're cowed by protocol, and his minions continually abuse the privilege presumed by virtue of the office. It's textbook abusive behavior and quite horrifying.

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I beg to differ. It would have to be lighter than a half full glass of water.

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Yep, my sister works at a convenience store. Her fellow clerks in Oklahoma are going to be selling these cultists smokes and lottery tickets after their little hatefests.

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Peace be upon him.

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If I remember right, there is one 2-second scene where a group of Native people are watching the Land Run and you are supposed to IMAGINE what they are feeling.

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Isn’t it great when people tell him things he doesn’t want to hear and he folds his arms over his chest like a petulant child, or perhaps a grumpy chimpanzee?

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Any Greg Stillson/Donald Trump comparison is always welcome. Sometimes I imagine being Johnny Smith at the end of the story.

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It has everything to do with the limbic system, the seat of emotions, and almost nothing to do with the cerebrum, seat of logic and reasoning. If his supporters look like hypnotized dumbfucks all the time, it's because they are not using the frontal lobes of their brains, just the lizard parts.

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GOP Chairwoman Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel further demonstrated the party's contempt for Black Americans when she pointed out Democrats were supporting protests against police brutality while hypocritically slamming Trump's rally.

I knew they would try this sooner or later.

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