Audits and fraudits and idiots, oh my!

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Arrogant Trumpsters &Treasonmonkeys?

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I won't bore everyone with the long history of how audits are abused in the financial sector and securities.

I will say it is well known that the Enron fraud was all there in the audit, if anyone cared to look. The big scams like Bernie Madoff had analysts pointing and saying loudly 'fraud' but people didn't want to listen because he was making them too much 'money'.

Auditors are accountants, and fraudulent CEOs are often fire-breathing Trumpsters, quick with the lawyers, arguing and screaming about unfairness. Milken saga with the IRS for nearly a decade is another perfect example of fraudster winning through either attrition or brinkmanship, In the end, it all comes down to the use and abuse of lawyers by people with the deepest, darkest pockets.

These rich fraudsters have now brought that bad-faith-still-'wins'-in-business to our elections.

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Sure seems like her paycheck is reliant on her not understanding. Is there a way to check if these malcontents have an off-shore account anywhere? Add Emily Murphy of the budget office to that list.

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Book burning smells like burning hair. These screaming ninnies that wanted Creationism not science, think Harry Potter is Satanism, were just getting warmed up for the real prize: Jim Crow 2.0.

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Plenty of people immediately went: it is meaningless that the fraudit'ers found votes for Biden. Unfortunately, not many did listen to that.

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I dropped AT&T as a carrier, because of this evil.

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Don't worry, 2020 will be the last American election ever audited.

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It used to be "fake it until they make it" but now it looks like the Cyber Nutjobs are gonna "fake it until they really fuck up" and the normal (if we can call them that) Republicans kick their lousy cans to the side of the road.

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They are popular because a sizable portion of the voting public is convinced that the horrifying items on that "to-do list" are desirable and/or will only adversely affect "the other" (because they can't be bothered to give a shit about anyone but themselves).

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Apparently, republican math is a lot like republican science.

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Oooo baby....make me your woman.

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Hope your screen name is accurate...

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The head of Cyber Ninjas has been talking on right-wing media about how he's been getting death threats from Trump supporters.

How many times do people on the right have to see how their group will turn on its own and gleefully eat them before they get the idea?

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