Imagine being such a mush-brained sheep that you have to get permission from daddy Fox to go get a shot to save your life

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Imagine how many tfg could influence if he made even the most minimal effort. Too bad he can't raise money from it or America would be 95% vaccinated by now.

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Supporters of the Face Eating Leopards Party always do better when the leopards take a face eating break.

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Maybe the Right is slowly coming to realize that Delta could decimate its voters and the survivors might not blame Biden.

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Rushing to keep their only strong viewer demographic alive for another Sweeps week.

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Fox Newz... we save lives, now send preznut Trump moneyzzz.

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The non-vaxxers need to sign legal and binding paperwork stating insurance and the taxpayers will not pay for any treatment they receive up to and including burial.

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Fine by me.

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