One of the worst things about Texas is that the federal district and appeals court judges would give the worst of the repressive US Supreme Court justices a run for their money on ultra right wing bullshit.

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we have some pretty great federal district judges. it's the 5th Circuit that sucks.

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good fucking Christ, y'all. they're distracting you and you are LETTING THEM.

after turning down the dorks who support this bullshit in a regular session and three special sessions--telling them just to be satisfied that they were banning trans kids from playing sports--you really think they're doing this now? they're not. they can't legally do it out side of a legislative session. Ken Paxton himself has said as much to dodge a request that he support trans families while having dinner at one of their houses. a vanishingly rare occurrence.

is it any wonder that Abbott conveniently started beating this drum on the same day that former ERCOT CEO Bill Magness and former PUC Chair DeAnn Walker were testifying in a federal bankruptcy proceeding on behalf of Brazos Electric Co-op? no. it's not. he received $4.6 million from natural gas suppliers to ensure they could once again set up a windfall for themselves at the expense of Texans.

and you need to add a link to these resources because amplifying the story only creates more anxiety and depression for these kids and their families otherwise. https://www.txtranskids.org...

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Paxton always looks like a wrong guy.

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I'm going to allow it...

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You win for today. Maybe tomorrow too.

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He can come back to the same marks as Pavarotti.

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but if Ana hadn't had thousands of dollars in savings to cross state lines to access medical care, she'd have had to sit there and wait for her baby to die inside her.

If she was lucky, and they didn't decide to make her into a Savita.

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Welcome to Gilead, y'all! Yee haw!

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She said "the night before", so that would by definition be Monday.

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Chutzpa points for doing Shape of You in a church.

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A state that has the power to ban abortion, has the power to force abortion

A state that has the power to ban medical care for transkids has the power to ban any medical care

Your small government conservatives, everyone!

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Fuck off, and stop stealing my nym. Make up your own.

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That Paxton fukker just oozes evil. I so hope he’s indicted, convicted and gets prison time. No more double standards for white men politicians.

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No, your research is shoddy, Betty. Either that or you're a hate-filled anti-trans troll.

"...when we look at their membership, their promotion of materials from and collaboration with anti-LGBT religious conservatives and their misrepresentation of the mainstream consensus on gender medicine and conversion therapy, this balance and evidence based focus evaporates."


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We can care about more than one thing at a time.

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