Thank you. That was very healing.

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Actually, when Sonny Boy beat his mother with a baseball bat, he did it with some sort of fancy pro model that cost $400,

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I think you might be too quick to believe in Shanahan’s account of who was abusing whom. It is not at all uncommon for abusers to file charges against their victims when/if the victims defend themselves or retaliate. I find it more than a little alarming how some people here are ready to believe the son “snapped” after being yelled at by his mom, but can’t seem to imagine a scenario in which *she* “snapped” and punched her abusive husband, and he had her arrested.

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You think he might be abusive to his wife? But he seemed so rational and emotionally stable durring his hearing. /s

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No wonder the Trumpian's were bitching about why there even had to be a senate approval process. they would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling background checks!

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One of those sounds kind of illegal.

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He does, you know, have his whole life ahead of him.

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At the Cleveland Museum of Art, I walked into the Abstract Art room. It was filled with these giant canvasses with bright, day-glo type paints in splotches, shapes, and lines. Over in the corner was a small piece, less than 12" x 12", of various shades of browns and grays. Despite all the eye candy around me, I made a beeline to that corner to see what that was.

It was a Pollock. I can't tell you what it was or why I was immediately attracted to it, I just know it jumped out at me in that bright, flashy room.

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From Wikipedia: A valet or "gentleman's gentleman" is a gentleman's male servant; the closest female equivalent is a lady's maid.

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Or cross dressing? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Yeah, and the War on Women, also too

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Every time I open one of those pictures, I am extremely grateful that I can click "Hide media" and close it again.

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And cross dressing.

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Please make it stop! Wasn't the swamp supposed to be drained by now?

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No. Toxic masculinity isn't just encouraged, it's accepted as proper and correct.

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She's an utter piece of shit too.


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