<a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=Xs-tl6GBOBo" target="_blank">"I'm covered in BEEEEEEEEEEEEES!"</a>

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Obammy only likes them cause they are half Black and half Asian yellow and not real Murican bees

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damn, I didn't know wingnuts grew on trees! no wonder they love CO2 emissions so much!

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I, for one, would like to welcome our new apian overlords. (I assume they donated big to Obama's reelection campaign.)

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Corn is self-pollinating and pigs, cattle, and taters don't need bees. What's in it for Wingturds?

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I guess to Twitchy this story has no buzz.

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Needz moar cameraz.

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The Tree of Liberty must be pollinated by bees and patriots from time-to-time.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2014\/jun\/23\/missouri-church-offers-ar-15-rifle-raffle-to-entic\/" target="_blank">God-given AR-15s indeed</a>

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That explains the day while mowing the lawn I was suddenly surrounded by a swarm of angry bees. The previous "theory" was I had mowed over their hive.

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We were winning the existential war on Africanized Killer Bees*, so Obama took action because, duh, he's African and wants to kill America. ___________________________________ * Here is Dinesh D'Souza's documentary : <a href="http:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt0353625\/" target="_blank">Killer Bees!</a>

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You know, some of these people are apparently really stupid. Colony Collapse Disorder has been going on, and getting worse, for some time now, and it affects our goddam food supply.

Or perhaps they think the bees can be replaced by millions of Messicans with little pollinating brushes?

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AFRICANIZED killer bees. Connect the dots, sheeple!

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