thanks . . . i'll try to work that into the rest of the verses as i translate it into wingnuttese . . . it's slow going . . . have to stop frequently and wait for the pain to subside.

[ wow! . . . stupid does burn ]

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Not unless I can also describe my perilous 20 mile walks to school, up hill both ways of course, and always in a snowstorm.

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I dunno, everywhere I go people look to be doing much better than they were a decade or so ago (anecdotal, I know). I live in a booming area (Northern Virginia), so I'm sure the view is a lot different if you live in the Rust Belt.

Plenty of folks these days have enough extra money that they don't seem to even know what to do with it. Why not spend more than twice as much on organic fruit? Of COURSE you need to buy the new iPhone: your old phone is nearly one year old!

I see Bernie supporters going on and on about income inequality and how we're "already in a class war, and we're losing", but you can see on their Facebook feed the great vacation they just got back from in Italy and that they have a vastly more interesting job than I had when I was their age. I'm sorry, but you don't come across to me as terribly oppressed by the system when you own several computers and have had several international vacations by the age of 35. Yes, Bill Gates is vastly richer than you, but that doesn't mean you're worse off.

I've seen studies suggesting that a huge percentage of income inequality is just a matter of education and two-income families. A single parent with a high school education (or less) is going to make a TON less than a doctor who marries an attorney and decides to not have kids until their 40. That's not "the 1%", that's just math. The only way to stop that type of "inequality" would be to force one spouse to stay home and make babies.

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It's not easy being delusional.

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"Our" = "you got your pluribus in my unum" -- Translated by Google

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They sure make it look easy.

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ISWYDT. However it's a problem of balancing production against depletion and you have to sleep sometime.

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I'm no good with internet slang, I had to look that one up, as usual. I'll try to remember it as it's clever.

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I think being dumb helps.

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I quite literally hear hornets every time I see Malkin's ghastly, rage-filled open-mouthed shriek schtick. Does she actually speak US American? Because, seriously. Hornets.

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Wasn't she married to James Carville, the Lemonhead mascot come to life that looks like it's always getting ready to bite someone on TV?

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I wish someone would compare me to Vimes, he's my second favorite, after Susan Sto Helit.

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Well the oil and gas industry definitely own Louisiana, body and soul.

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I noticed that just last week - where is Mass. getting all this cheap gasoline?

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"he demanded a retraction, got it, and then canceled his subscription."

"See? Problem solved!"- Editor

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