I do like the way you think 😁

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This was her fourth, so when Greene lies again about vaccines and masks, Twitter will suspend her permanently.

Or, she could stop telling lies about COVID, the vaccines, and masking.

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We call that quarantining.

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Expelled sounds so much juicier of a process than impeached. I approve.

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LOL, so naive. She has nothing to do but troll. Hopefully she finds out what deplatforming does to a public figure.

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β€œIt’s a weekend in bed, rather than a lifetime of dead…”

Eagles’ Lyrics?

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Shh! You mustn't ever imply that white conservatives are in any way racist. It's an assault on their feelings and their self-image as good and noble patriots.

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A John Cage aficionado?

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Condolences to you and the Mr. on feeling crappy. But it’s quite surprising that, given the low breakthrough infection rate, combined with the fact breakthrough infections are generally mild, two people in the same household, plus several people who were associated, all got badly sick. Are you sure it’s not a bad flu? Those are definitely still out there. If it is the Rona it seems like it’s indicating a pretty bad strain, which can break through AND make you badly sick.

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Then I suggest emigrating. The rest of us choose to stay and fight for the ol’ USA, despite her flaws.

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Yes she actually did.

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80's sci-fi TV series libelz?

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I don't think it results in a peaceful, easy feeling, either way...

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Yeah, I remember some orange dude that was freaking everywhere.

Then he got banned on most social media.

Now he's....wait a minute....HE'S FREAKING EVERYWHERE.

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"F*** Their Feelings"

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