Or, she has had it with the lies and death threats and doesn't expect to return in 2022.

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McConnell routinely gives permission for Senators in swing states to vote the way their constituents want, if the vote won't change the outcome.

Not that Maine seems to be a swing state anymore, given the blowout reelection of Collins.

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I had never seen a picture of the "stupidest man on the internet" before. He even looks stupid.

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Let the fund raising begin! (Continue?)

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Ah. My experience with these things is fortunately limited.

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My sister lives in Ilwaco. During the election there was a large "Dump Trump" sign in a vacant lot next to her home and place of business. She was reviled for her blasphemy by some and praised for her courage (for having such a sign in Pacific County) by others. She had to explain to people that it wasn't her lot nor her sign. I don't think she was ever actually threatened by anyone, though and if it cost her any business it wasn't much.

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Average home price in that county is $1.4 million.

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Meet the people bankrolling James O’Keefe’s group "The conservative movement continues to fund Project Veritas, despite its string of failed stings." He was making $235K/year in 2017 pulling these stunts, paid by the likes of Kochs, William Dunn (CATO etc), the Bradley Fund, the Donald J Trump Foundation, and more.

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right but again the house itself is not all that valuable

as is illustrated by the relatively low value of the (demolition expenses) in your equation above

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Is it meaningful or just a coincidence that 57% of Americans wanted Crooked Donnie convicted by the Senate and 57% of senators voted him off the island?

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I think "thin worm on thin worms" works just as well.

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Announcing his candidacy gives him the right to raise money under FEC regs, so, yeah, I'm sure he's going to announce. He actually announced back in 2017 that he was running in 2020 - for the same reason, to be able to raise money. Now, whether he's actually going to run, I have my doubts.

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I was thinking that is a modest dwelling for a FB VP. Didn't he get any stock? (When FB came out at 40 and went to 18 I thought a bit about buying 100 shares, on the theory that it might recover some fraction of its IPO price. But I didn't because I could not figure out where FB would get revenue. Apparently it sells ads. But have you ever bought anything as a result of seeing a FB ad? Do you even see them as you scroll past looking for cat videos?)

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I am satisfied with the quality of idiots we have now. I do not see the utility of an idiot arms race.

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Yeah. They got what they asked for. I do not understand why the reporters were treating that as a loss or as backing down. Take your winnings and go.

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We needs a Qonsultant, to interpret it...

"57-1789*the square..." It's Sunday? "The cube root of the Trilateral commission+ something..."Donald Trump will be anointed Holy Roman Emperor and move to the Vatican on St Patrick's day! "

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