We continue to not know what to make of Rolling Stone ’s horrific story on an alleged gang rape at the University of Virginia, but we are sure of one thing: Idiot man-child blogger Chuck C.
O'Keefe should be added into that mix, then they should all be shipped somewhere with no electricity or running water where they can do very little harm to people.
So, this would be the same raging fucking asshole that whined like a 12-year-old hearing the word "no" for the first time ever when the Times became the elebenty millionth paper to print the name of Darren Wilson's street, doxxing someone who at least two other people who knew her well are certain was sexually assaulted by multiple people?
Yeah, this turd has absolutely nothing positive to contribute to the planet.
Chuck Johnson is to Journalism as herpes is to intelligent public discourse. There is no connection but he is incredibly annoying and continues to re-appear painfully in stressful situations. Twitter needs an equivalent of valacyclovir.
Well, <i>he&#039;s</i> always threatening to sue people over things they&#039;ve tweeted about <i>him</i>, so I&#039;d say turn-about is fair play.
He was banned twice, each time for doxxing Ebola patients. First one lasted an hour and was rescinded as soon as he assured them that he had re-read the Twitter ToS and promised to never do it again. After he <i>did</i> do it again, they banned him for a good 12 hours or so, until he argued that, technically, he hadn&#039;t actually posted the info on Twitter, but had just used Twitter to promote and link to the info on his crappy website.
I say we crowdsource his private phone number, then prank order a hundred Domino&#039;s pizzas with extra salted rat dicks to be delivered. On election day.
You used up a lot of similes for this article (e.g. &quot;literally a pile of Cheeto-dusted mouse turds left for several years behind a refrigerator&quot;, though that is not literally a simile). I hope you saved some for Ted Cruz and the Cleveland Prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty when he fails to indict Timothy Loehmann for shooting Tamir Rice.
I feel that we&#039;ll need new words to describe conservatives, as we&#039;re running out of noxious things that shine in perfect beauty compared to them.
Hey Gary, will you be making a public apology to Chuck?
So,I'll be checking back periodically for that big old apology to Charley boy and make it like you mean it.
That's sick
I&#039;d bet gooooood money that he is.
O&#039;Keefe should be added into that mix, then they should all be shipped somewhere with no electricity or running water where they can do very little harm to people.
I thought he had been permanently banned from Twitter.
How about we just feed this SOB to an Anaconda? I&#039;ll pitch in for some Rolaids for the snake...
So, this would be the same raging fucking asshole that whined like a 12-year-old hearing the word &quot;no&quot; for the first time ever when the Times became the elebenty millionth paper to print the name of Darren Wilson&#039;s street, doxxing someone who at least two other people who knew her well are certain was sexually assaulted by multiple people?
Yeah, this turd has absolutely nothing positive to contribute to the planet.
Chuck Johnson is to Journalism as herpes is to intelligent public discourse. There is no connection but he is incredibly annoying and continues to re-appear painfully in stressful situations. Twitter needs an equivalent of valacyclovir.
Well, <i>he&#039;s</i> always threatening to sue people over things they&#039;ve tweeted about <i>him</i>, so I&#039;d say turn-about is fair play.
He was banned twice, each time for doxxing Ebola patients. First one lasted an hour and was rescinded as soon as he assured them that he had re-read the Twitter ToS and promised to never do it again. After he <i>did</i> do it again, they banned him for a good 12 hours or so, until he argued that, technically, he hadn&#039;t actually posted the info on Twitter, but had just used Twitter to promote and link to the info on his crappy website.
<a href="http:\/\/memesly.com\/media\/created\/k77hy5.jpg" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://memesly.com/media/created/k77hy5.jpg">http://memesly.com/media/cr...
Funny the one kind of friend that conservatives never seem to have is other conservatives.
I say we crowdsource his private phone number, then prank order a hundred Domino&#039;s pizzas with extra salted rat dicks to be delivered. On election day.
Kittens, kittens! Warm furry kittens! Needed immediately! And I don&#039;t even like cats.
You used up a lot of similes for this article (e.g. &quot;literally a pile of Cheeto-dusted mouse turds left for several years behind a refrigerator&quot;, though that is not literally a simile). I hope you saved some for Ted Cruz and the Cleveland Prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty when he fails to indict Timothy Loehmann for shooting Tamir Rice.
C&#039;mon Editrix, we can take more than TWO autoplay videos on every page, why not 5 or 6?
I feel that we&#039;ll need new words to describe conservatives, as we&#039;re running out of noxious things that shine in perfect beauty compared to them.