Sigh. Well of course there's more to it:


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Other associates of his believe the earth is flat, that JFK is keith Richards and that TFG is a great guy.

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Yep. And that's not because OSHA give a wet fart about employee safety anymore. When companies flat-out kill their employees, fines rarely get into six figures.

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The aircraft industry here where I live did it. The machinists' union is shittin mad about it, too. You'd think they'd welcome something that's about worker safety, but no. ItS tHe hOlLoWcOsT!

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BLM protesters who were merely present where vandalism took place face decades-long stretches in prison in many states, but yay, storming the Capitol gets you 60 ... days.

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That's very plausible. The industry sure didn't care about employee safety, or even life, when the executives of the Iowa pork processing plant had a pool going on how many of their minority, immigrant and poor employees would die, in the early days of COVID.

But now it's about saving money on insurance and the difficulty of keeping enough workers on staff and able to work to keep the lines running.

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Also: Don't call her a bird-brain, if you want to stay in her good books, which you do. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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This is the path that Virginia voted to take. I am done with it. Don't like this sort of thing? VOTE YOU IDIOTS!!

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No shame

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The article is bullshit, but it's the kind of bullshit that's very common among Finance "journalists." I begin to suspect that very few of them could reverse-engineer their W2 forms, much less figure out compound interest.

Once and for all, Joe Biden is no Socialist. He hasn't suddenly turned into Bernie Sanders. Joe Biden, was a Senator from Delaware. Delaware is a national hub of banking, because it has no meaningful laws regulating banking activity. Senator Biden was called, "The Senator from MBNA," which he hated but couldn't do much about because he did whatever the worst bottomfeeders of the finance industry wanted him to do. In return, he got their support. Heck, MBNA gave Hunter Biden a no-show job right out of Law School, which didn't harm their ability to get appointments with Senator Biden.

Nope; if Joe Biden is doing anything that anyone could describe as "Socialism," it's because things have actually gotten so bad in America, as has long been predicted and warned of by Socialists; that not doing Socialisms will cause much greater harm to that very same Finance industry.

Strange bedfellows, indeed; when Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are on the same page as far as preserving the Finance sector. But, here we are.

It is kind of nice to see that Biden's lifelong fealty to the Finance sector was practical, and not ideological.

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Yeeeaaahh I'll clap when Tyson also addresses salmonella contamination in their plants effectively.


It's really the whole mass produced poultry industry, not just Tyson....

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I've seen Brian several times live, he's a hoot. (Please don't tell me if he's a RWNJ, I don't want to know). Anyhoo, in one of the Pop Tarts sets that he did, at the end of the toaster directions, he yelled "I gotta get a toaster!" He doesn't always use that line, but I love it and repeat it often, just for fun.

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I love all those things. Even tofu, but I can't eat it. I asked because even though we don't eat a lot of meat (comparatively) I think we could cut back even more. But I worry about getting enough protein in my weirdo system.

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Thanks, Handsome Joe, for stepping up and mandating vaccines in the country for most affected workers. COVID cases are lessening now, it’s so good to see encouraging news for a change.It’s also good to not have a walking plague as president anymore.

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Nebraska. No wonder. Blue collar workers there are infected with the same virus that makes farmers think they are solely responsible for their success, like a pioneer in the Plains. But even those pioneers got free land from the government. As did the railroad companies that made all sorts of businesses and the people working in those businesses profitable. Since then the government has sponsored much of the technology and the market supports and controls that make farming profitable.

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