Where exactly was Hillary last night?

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You can't extort minorities for decades and expect a good response. Idiots will use any excuse to justify killing, stop giving them reasons and you'll see less dead cops.

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Of course it could. Our now departed friend was arguing that speculating about anyone other than a pissed off local sniping the cops was somehow racist.

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Hopefully it doesn't continue. I'd hate to imagine the reaction if the police doubled down on the abuse of minorities. Or god forbid started shooting back.

I remember people called false flag in NYC as well, and sadly it turned out differently. Sniper attacks are different from a suicide rampage after you off your girlfriend, there we had quick answers.

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UPDATE of sorts (noon Eastern): On Fox the starting point for discussion is how Obama and Holder are primarily to blame for shooting because they are pro-criminal and race-baiters.

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No, no one can be as delusional as Alex Jones. Don't even try, you might hurt yourself

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You expected something different? Why give fox the page views? As more info comes out they'll be proven wrong as they were in France with the no go zones. Doubt it will influence them or the millions they harp to.

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I could accept somebody dropping GZ or those kooks in ISIL.

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"I don’t know who did the shooting to be honest with you right now. But somehow they were embedded in that group of folks.”

That's some good police work there, Lou. Let's stoke the fires some more-Flying Spaghetti Monster knows the situation there isn't contentious enough already.

And we wonder why some people think the Ferguson PD is such a racist shithole.

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That's another possibility as well. It could be a completely unrelated shooting that stray bullets from hit the officers. Unlikely from the little evidence I've heard so far, but still possible.

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For Dok Zoom: very sad news: http://www.theguardian.com/...

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Well, sh*t. I've been holding out hope that MO's tea partiers (who dominate our state legislature) might be more afraid of the government than black people, enough so that they'd be amenable to demilitarizing our police. I'm guessing that's less likely now. Sure the gov't might take their guns, but that's mainly scary because then they'd have no way to carry out every white gun-fetishist's fantasy of shooting black people.

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Apparently that fantasy goes both ways. Unless the shooter turns out to be white.

Reagan didn't like the blacks being armed either. Maybe we can have the BPP come in and police things until the old force is phased out.

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Did he say grassy knoll? Somebody question Jack Ruby, stat.

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Christ, if the shooter's white (supposing they're ever caught), just, listen. Here's a PSA for white radicals: No matter how much you want to strike back at the police state, the backlash for this bullsh*t won't effect you. It will, however, slam down hard on the people you mistakenly think you're being an ally to.

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I wait patiently for Wayne LaPierre to tell us that if only all the protestors had been armed, this never would have happened.

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