That and fairly honest redistricting has so far neutered the wingnuts.

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"And so, they do this every four years, Democrats, they try to gin up their base, and then they get much better turnouts than Republicans do."

Dress this all you want Republicans, hype it as lazy voters (which isn't a disqualifying event in how or if your vote counts) or voter fraud (which we've seen proof of doesn't exist in any measure that can affect a campaign) it all comes down to this: higher voter turnout benefits the Democratic party. That's why voter suppression campaigns exist.

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“I guess you’re right. I’m not thinking about black votes. I’m thinking about American votes.”

Pssst, Greg: Juan was also talking about American votes. Not all Americans are white. I realize this may come as a shock, so breathe into a paper bag if you need to.

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Two (and a half) words: "Post-racial America".

John Roberts, lying like the mangy reactionary dog he is.

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That's Texas Southern University, "Doctor."

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Golly, thanks for schoolin' me. I've been commenting on this site for years, and all this time, I had no idea how it worked!

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They had me, totally, when the camera panned and showed the downed star destroyer in the Tattooine dunes.

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Don't be fooled. This shit scares the republicans to DEATH. And Hillary knows it, and knows trolling them by name will make them have to talk about it. And when they talk about they talk STUPID, and that's what she wants. Goading them into more more public dumb. Obama did this too, to much success.

The Clintons know this game and they know how to play it.

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Weird, it'll "put Republicans on the defensive?" That's almost like she's admitting they're against letting everyone vote, or something! But that can't possibly be true, because flag pins and calling yourself a patriot, and stuff!

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Maybe you had Ebola.

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Joe Scarborough: Bigotry in a bag, also too

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I'm Sarah Palin and

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Hey, we finish what we st- ah, nevermind.

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Played by Gwendoline Fuckin' Christie, I hear!

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Could be worse. I heard a guy on The Moth or one of those story-telling radio shows say he thought "LOL" meant "Lots of Love," and that his son was being surprisingly affectionate in his texts.

Using "..." for "FFS" would've been fantastic, though!

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Politics sucks, yeah, because it is made of people*.

But what is the alternative to these arguments? Rule by warlords? Libertarian Gulches?

I mean, how else would you put voice to the ideas that theoretically solve problems of society? How better to plead the cases of what our collective goals should be -- whether that is cutting all taxes, or enriching all the people who are inherently better at exploitation, or both -- other than million-dollar 24/7 media propaganda outlets pushing a narrative into the drooling public's earholes?

*Corporation-Enhanced people, sure. But people!

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