You know how inside the borders of some of our authoritarifriends, they crack down on dissent by limiting what you can see on the Internet? Well, would you believe that Barack HUSSEIN Nobummer is so dastardly, so insidious, that he can introduce authoritarianism into His Amerikkka by expanding Internet access? According to some douche GOP New York congressman, it is "true"!
“He has an agenda and he’s going to do whatever he has to do to pass that agenda, regardless of the Constitution,” Grimm said. “I mean, I think our founding fathers are turning over in the graves right now because he’s just so blatant in his— the administrators, the people he puts in charge of these agencies are bold and brazen about saying, ‘yes, we’re going to make an end run around Congress.’”
What is this terrible "agenda" for which Barack Obama is stomping on the faces of Congress?
Oh, it is an FCC decision to impose a $4 annual fee on cell phones to fund high-speed Internet for almost every classroom in America? And because it is an FCC decision it does not need Congressional approval? And also shut the fuck up Michael Grimm?
Cool, got it.
[ ThinkProgress ]
$4 a year Sweet Babby Jeebus when does the forced sex start this Obummer cat is already pillaging the like what not been seen since Ole Robin from the Hood was trapessing these parts.We doesnt need none of that fast inner web it only means they will bes able to eardrops on us faster.Is there no end to this cat and his doin as he damn well feels like Hitler Hitler
He says &quot;an end run around Congress&quot; as if it was a bad thing - like there&#039;s a small-D democratic way to get <i>anything</i> out of the HoR these days...