TR had his own issues, but by gum, he would thrash the ever-loving shit out of any and all of these current Republicans.

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Hart and Hook? All Hook and no Hart.

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Which should lead to criminal charges of criminally negligent homicide. And those charges should be against the execs/managers and not against the corporation. A corporation is a thing and cannot form criminal intent. Odd how they keep getting convicted of felonies while the people who made the criminal decisions walk.

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If there's one thing we don't need more of, it's consolidation in agribusiness.


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I think it's funny that these assholes thought they could just tell these workers everything is fine and they wouldn't have any idea what was really going on. they're immigrants, not idiots. just because they don't speak the same language doesn't mean that all the people working there didn't know exactly what's going on. you think the news that they read on their phone in their own language isn't talking about this? univision and telemundo were on this story way before english-speaking media was. all of these immigrants just had to play along because here in america if they don't want to risk their lives to work, they'll starve. not like working in a meat packing plant wasn't dangerous before all of this, these people aren't stupid, just desperate

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It's basically the 2020 version of Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle."

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They spread it around like the virus, but with majority to GOP entities/candidates https://www.opensecrets.org...

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I'm sure that's so but don't really see the relevance to the discussion of holding owners responsible for illegal activities, to the point of driving them out of business if there's no other way.

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Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

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Those are some big kitties! Is Tuna a Maine Coon?

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It is not negligence, it is deranged indifference, at best.It is IMO in the same vein as the GM Pinto corporate decision to let people burn to death in known unsafe cars because it was economically cheaper to payout the suits than do the recall.This is the same thing. Their logic will be that production is more important than OSHA and the fines, if any, from OSHA will be negligible.

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stopped buying anything Tyson back when they started to ship to China to process chickens, not even "store" brands because t is the cheapest shit so they just repackage Tyson shit. so just keep on fucking that chicken Tyson!

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No, just a big dude. His brother and sister are big, too.

He doesn't have any of the MC traits--his ears are tiny and his facial features otherwise too round.

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Re: 2... My thoughts exactly. Not only should Tyson get sued into the ground, but they should be righteously boycotted. Why the fuck would I buy food from such and evil company? Fuck them.

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Here’s a complete list of drum rudiments:


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