1992--the Persian Gulf War of Bush the Elder

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Barry better hope this has a crystal clear and pretty outcome.

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and we haven't yet heard much from grifter travel-palooza...

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and like walnuts whining that we didn't go into libya sooner and alone.


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So now we're attacking another middle eastern country, while the president's critics still cry that he's too liberal.

This would be awesome satire if it wasn't true.

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“Under any score, I don’t know how you could play this worse than this president has,” Santorum told POLITICO in a Sunday interview, as he took a break from yard work. “I think we’re going to be involved potentially in a very prolonged standoff, or U.N. peacekeeping, or who knows what could be involved in the long term? … The president put [us] in a very difficult situation.”

But those 'situations' in Afghanistan & Iraq are going just fine.

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It's a trap, Luke! Pull out!!

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Dear John McCain:

Kindly shut the fuck. Between your desire to engage in wars and Sarah Palin, you sir are a nothing but a walking kalostomy bag.

Signed, Me and my liberal friends

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