It's OK, if you don't like what Mitt's saying now, wait for the next sentence and see if his revised position is more to your liking.<br /><br />On second thoughts, no, you're right, not listening to him is much the better course.<br /><br />Also too, I seem to recall being somewhat offended at the moment he said it by the implication that being Pashtun meant you were necessarily part of the Taliban. I believe there's a word for that kind of generalization... what is it.. I know I know it... oh yes, that's it: Racist.<br /><br />But then there was so much other \"stuff\" the memory of it got buried.<br /><br />And yeah, I'd rather not have our troops be dicking around on the <a href="" target="_blank">world's highest, coldest and most expensive battlefield</a>.

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Most annoying "feature" of ID, by far. At least when you wanna reply you can do so from the email then find it by sorting recent first for the upfisting.

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Only to Wonkers, MB. Only to Wonkers.

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It was more than a bit assholeish, my bad. Don't mix Mittens and spirits, it won't go well.

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...and Doktor Zoom, don't think that your continued use of MLP imagery has escaped my notice....

"My Name is Doktor Zoom, and I am a Bronie" "HI DOKTOR ZOOM"!!!

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Hernán Cortés?

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Yeah, Mitt blathered on about how he'd learned about the Haqqani network on Wikipedia over the weekend, I don't remember him mentioning Lashkar, though. Y'know, the guys who murdered 164 people in Mumbai in 2008.

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White and delightsome.

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Yeah, I wondered what you were talking about in the 8:55 bit ;)

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About that World War I thing...

In 1916, the US Navy was the third largest in the world, behind Germany and Britain, barely ahead of France. Plus the British and German navies were much more modern.

Today, we have unchallenged dominance of the High Seas. The Chinese might plausibly overtake us in raw number of ships sometime soon, but given they are still trying to work out what to do with their one, Soviet-surplus, aircraft carrier, and most of their ships rarely leave port, and also their ships are smaller and older than ours, including 80 coastal defense missile boats, they're still nowhere near matching us for capability.

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The Vatican is also four years closer to a nuclear bomb.

</snark> When Dubya took office, North Korea did not have a nuclear weapon. They restarted it after we invaded Iraq without provocation. In 2006 they tested a bomb. Dubya did nothing to stop them. His weakness encouraged Iran.

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In submarines.

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Malkin, Ingraham, Beck, Coulter... Akin...

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What was it <a href="http:\/\/video.msnbc.msn.com\/msnbc\/49512467#49512467" target="_blank">Rachel said</a> last night about Mitt's "fundamental lack of seriousness" on foreign policy being "disqualifying"? Whatever it was, I agree.

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The Freepers are posting links to articles about recent uses of bayonets in Afghanistan along with tributes to the horses used just after 9-11 to find the terrorists. There will probably soon be a subset of the tea partiers called the 'Bugle Brigade'.


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Brooks takes forever at the salad bar. First he takes something from the left, end of the bar and then something from the right. Then he takes something from the right end of the bar, and then something from the left. In between he stops to explain to the person behind him in line how arugula and croutons are really the same thing.

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