I didn't know 'perhaps too' was a thing. Is that like $arah's 'also too' ? <i> It’s now clear that the perilously swift rise of the Islamic State, and perhaps too the perilous downward slide of the president’s poll numbers, </i>

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It's like The Agents of Shield, but for Al Queda. They're not actually super-villians or in the AQ, but they kinda hang around to help them out when they have trouble, and do paperwork and shit.

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Stop living in a Democrat's pipe dream - buy two guns today.

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meh. i'm fine with this.

what IS the point of equipping and training the world's most expensive (and probably best though i really don't know these things...) military if you can't take it out for a spin every once.

especially against the medieval equivalents of mamma's little meat heads. which is some serious douche.

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Can't they hate the black guy for not bombing the brown guys in the right way?

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It is very disappointing that Burundi could not engage its Enfield rifle armed bi-plane.

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Sounds like a holding company for NYC real estate. I think they were my landlords a few years back.

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"The ruling classes in Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates “participated in or supported” the strikes."

FIFY, Bamz. Yer welcome.

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How many sorcerers are there in Saudi Arabia, huh? You can't argue with success.

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That's because this time is different.

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