Go Vandals!

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From what I understand these policies have a distinct effect of excluding more Republicans (fat for America) than Democrats (fat for Europe), at least that is what my friend in the marines has told me. The brass is actually worried that something like 40% of the US army is now Democrat, compared to like 20% in the 1990's.

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Not if they have to run after us.

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GED is actually pretty hard to get in some states. As someone who tutors Adults at a community college for GEDs, unless you can do Trig and Quadratic Functions you aren't getting a GED in my state.

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Just imagine him between your thighs, see, all better.

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Only 3 people in North Korea have a spare tire. For one of those people it is an actual tire, on fire, around their neck.

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As a mechanical engineer and roboticist, I nod.

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It is called necklacing. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necklacing">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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It's obvious that x=(5*5+3-26).

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Sorry...my bad. I still like Boudicca though

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No Child Left Behind seems to have left some children behind, where they ate a shit load of Cool Ranch Doritos.

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