Everyone brace yourselves for a new round of the Tea Party painting themselves as anti-big business, and Obama is a socialist who is also in the pocket of Wall Street.

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GOP Lies Down with Dogs, Gets Up with Fleas. Details at 11:00.

The best (and worst) feature of this flea-fest is the effect of the GOP's wildly successful jerrymandering in creating tight, narrow, unloseable GOP districts with an ever weaker and more isolated electorate, which is hellbent on throwing them all out of office and replacing them with delusional washed-up B list Nashville entertainers.

As Allen Ginsburg almost said, “I saw the best minds of the GOP such as they were destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the suburban streets at dawn looking for an angry fix angelheaded fundamentalists burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of the night.”

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So fuck the gubbermint,what have they did for me today, pay no nevermind that trail I could have hiked to work had they not put a damn road in .I could have got my swim on iffin not for that bridge they put up.then there was that nice police officer directing traffic so it was hard to run over those damn brats what goes to that new schools buildin that I'm am sure some fellow with boocoo of moneez went and had built just cause he has boocoo's of moneez he was not usin.then just as I am fixin to get to the work 20 one of those damnable mergency box vans is sittin in front of the place light flashin and horns blarin cause some fellow has went and had him and axecedent and theys are bound and determined to save his lives when I'm sure he would rather be dead cause he has a gubbermint job overseeing fishes or some dumb shit that pays taxes to the gubbermint so yea fuck the gubbermint they screw every thing all ups

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Its my fault, I'm sorry.

I didn't know that being able to affordably insure my son & I for the first time in 15 years was tyranny.

I'll stop.

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The Teaparty has taken a shit in The Chamber Pot of Commerce.

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Who will pay for Hoverrounds?

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Useful idiots about to be schooled.

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Because as a young pixel, I took the term literally, and got in a lot of trouble for shoplifting...

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Ubu says non.

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Can I hire you to insult people for me. You have skill.

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Not in Montana! Fleas don't make it here, too dry in the Summer, too cold in the Winter.

Also: I have never seen a cockroach in this state, and I've been in some real hovels. Enough reason right there to make the move.

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Maybe if Senator Chilito Maple Cruz (hat tip to a fellow Wonketter for this name) would use his Ivy League education to understand the Antideficiency Act, he would see the broader ramifications of what he's calling for. For all his supposed fiscal responsibility, government shutdowns are expensive and always counterproductive: <a href="http://www.theatlantic.com/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/...">http://www.theatlantic.com/...

And fuck the US Chamberpot of Commerce.

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