I love the sound of breaking shams.

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But the yellowcake is a lie.

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Aren't wingnuts losing their shit over the weapons that we supplied that ISIS is commandeering to use against our interests? Oh, right. THIS President. Blame just sticks to him. Perhaps it his skin, or something?

What do you know. You <i>can</i> explain that.

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Republicans = WMD's (Warmongers of Massive Derpidity)

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I remember Keith Olbermann doing a story on this as well back in '07 or '08, with lovely pictures of U.S.-issue chemical shells just mouldering in some shacks. The wingnuts went ballistic over that one, too, so at least they have their hymnals in order this time.

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We have met the chemical weapons enemy and he is us.

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I would SO love to see the cast of Fox & Friends open that sucker up on live TV.

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I will repeat myself again: I can't wait for the day that Dick Cheney dies so I can gleeful piss on his grave. After reading this story, I'll need to stay well hydrated because Rumsfield is now on my list of graves to piss on.

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In 2003-4 there was a joke in the UK - Rumsfeld saying "We know Iraq has WMD - we still have the reciepts."

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