"The doctors involved apparently beleived they were on a crusade to rid the world of a scourge and therefore the ends justified the means."

Actually, they were on a mission to rid the U.S. military of a scourge. Which was enough to justify the means.

They never published anything, by the way, so naming names is going to take some digging.

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He's one of our "special guests." I'll spare you the details.

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Where's "downright criminal"?

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And he went on to a nice, well-paid, respectable career in the good old USA. Good times, and ol' Doc Cutler never once recognized me.

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It's hard to imagine a time when it wouldn't occur to anybody involved that maybe they should blow the whistle. Consider that the Nuremberg "Doctors' Trials" were held simultaneously with these experiments, and were headline news (seven men hanged) ... yet there's no sign that anybody stopped for a moment and went, "hmm..."

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Let's just say our extremophile lab needed test subjects.

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Who else is gonna buy their cheap crap?

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Whos' the greatest nation in the history of the world? USA! USA!

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The best thesis defense is a good offense?

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Damn it, I knew somebody would beat me to United Fruit.

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Yes, and anyone old enough to have been to a real, live circus, (ala Ringling or Barnum, not one of those new age, sexytime "cirques") would realize that. Maybe we <i>are</i> still evolving?

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Having said that, it disturbs me to see the level of blind, fervent patriotism so prevalent in America today. Patriotism and religious zealotry are two things holding us back as a species, in my opinion.

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But they still carried this out in secret, so they must have thought it was bad, right?

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