Actually it's three ways to go through life. And not mutually exclusive!

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Someday they'll paint a mural about the suffering America went through with Dubya Bush and the Repubicans. "They controlled every arm of government!" it will say in Comic Sans. But Governor Charles "Huckabee" Norris will take it down. "Biased in favor of accuracy," he'll explain. Anyway, I hope I look thinner -- they say the canvas adds ten pounds.

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I voted for Nader in 2008 and I will vote for Nader in 2012. Obama is a spineless neo-liberal weenie who hates gay marriage - the best kind of marriage.

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Is there a Wonkette for the UK ?

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He'll just paint Ayn Rand as Lady Liberty and place a beaming blonde-haired Jesus looking on as a replacement mural.

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And COMMUNISM=ATHEISM, and ATHEISM=... well, I don't know, but I hear it's bad!

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