...not mentioned the USMS embroidered 12 inch studded dildo

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“flashing superballs”

So truck nutz come attired in tiny mechanical trench coats now?

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Well, they were fine until one of their third basemen botched a witness protection detail...

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And no doubt most of the shit was made in China.

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ask Miss Kitty

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Military peeps are seriously into those coins. I've worked enough military events (mainly USO) that I've gotten quite a few of them. They're actually pretty cool

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All I know is, when the US Marshalls come kicking down my doors to arrest me, I want at least one of them out on the curb handing out flashing squishy things to my curious neighbors. And not just ANY flashing squishy things - US Marshall(TM) logo'd flashing squishy things!

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I will always cherish my official White House shot glass that I got from Slick Willie. Now THAT is some serious swag...

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you're thinking of the Secret Service

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Embroidered for her pleasure?

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compared to the Houston Texans, they're doing great...

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Why does the U.S. Marshal need publicity? I think Staff Sargent Dignam in The Departed had a better idea:

" Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's say you have no idea and leave it at that, okay? No idea. Zip. None. If you had an idea of what we do, we would not be good at what we do, now would we? We would be cunts. Are you calling us cunts? "

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