John Boehner says that is a myth.

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The article is bogus. Women have always had higher incidence and prevalence of depression, while men have had higher alcoholism rates. Both have been equaling out for decades.

My informal observation is that Wonkette commenters experience frequent transient depression in reaction to societal and political attrocities, and frighteningly frequent alcohol intoxication, for the same reasons.

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<em>"...something other than oil...</em>

May I suggest 18-22 male self-esteem? While it lasts.

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Terrorism -- to me -- has the additional element of originating outside an established government. The difference being that a government is restrained by the threat of retaliation against the nation as a whole, whereas terrorists don't have that concern.

And after dropping nukes on Japan and bombing Germany to rubble, we can't get to sanctimonious about civilian targets.

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Well played sir...well played!

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They only come out at night.

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We should nuke the Briebart's site from orbit—it's the only way to be sure”

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They actually load MREs into the tank shells...fast food redefined.

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There you are, a renewable resource!

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That's when they get off the late shift at McDonald's. Mystery solved.

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I hope someone rescues Gaddafi's wardrobe; it belongs in the Smithsonian.

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Come over here RIGHT NOW, young man, and show me your documentation.

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Oh shit, the youth of today are living on pizza and Red Bull. Where does that fit in?

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As one who officiates over males from 18-22 year of age on a regular basis, let me say that some erosion of self-esteem can't come soon enough.

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I am all for humanitarian aid, but if this turns into Operation Keep the Oil Coming, I have to ask if that money would be better spent finding something other than oil as fuel.

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Mice or anchovies? This might take awhile.

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