The good news (?) is that the State Department has begun rescuing Americans and their families from the quake/tsunami/radiation-battered northeast coast of Japan.
No, but the Republicans and other "deficit hawks" were...gawd forbid somebody not rich already get something from the gubmint, 'cause that's stealin' from our grandkids.
Or anyone who used Planned Parenthood for "genocide planning" purposes (no shit, one of the thugs in Congress actually called it "Planned Genocide") whilst listening to NPR...
<i>However, passengers will be required to sign a promissory note to reimburse the U.S. Government for the normal bus fare from Sendai to Tokyo</i> Does anyone else think that this is a little bit like having to pay for your own rape kit? Was Palin somehow involved in this arrangement?
I checked, and the normal Sendai to Tokyo fare on the wonderfully named &quot;Dream Masamune&quot; is &yen;4500 off-peak and &yen;5500 peak season. I&#039;ll hazard a guess that this counts as peak season.
It smells like chemistry....
Just close your eyes and dream of Masamune.
I see what you did there....verra nice!
No, but the Republicans and other &quot;deficit hawks&quot; were...gawd forbid somebody not rich already get something from the gubmint, &#039;cause that&#039;s stealin&#039; from our grandkids.
Or anyone who used Planned Parenthood for &quot;genocide planning&quot; purposes (no shit, one of the thugs in Congress actually called it &quot;Planned Genocide&quot;) whilst listening to NPR...
and scott walker&#039;s dream land.
I think that is from The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. Oh Duh. They named the bus Further. It has been a loooong time since I read that book.
You&#039;re either on the bus, or thrown under the bus.
Yeah, nothing like a potential Chernobyl in the neighborhood to cut a Pacific vacation short.
I&#039;m still fuzzy this morning from St Pats revenge. <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
<i>However, passengers will be required to sign a promissory note to reimburse the U.S. Government for the normal bus fare from Sendai to Tokyo</i> Does anyone else think that this is a little bit like having to pay for your own rape kit? Was Palin somehow involved in this arrangement?
I checked, and the normal Sendai to Tokyo fare on the wonderfully named &quot;Dream Masamune&quot; is &yen;4500 off-peak and &yen;5500 peak season. I&#039;ll hazard a guess that this counts as peak season.