The one thing Uber seems to have going for it is a useful mobile application. That's the one thing Uber and Lyft have going for them.

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My fiancé needed surgery for a workers comp issue and had to be out for several weeks (carpal tunnel). The boss called him at home to ask if he could come in to make phone calls or go to meetings. He said no, that he wasn't feeling well, and hadn't been released by the Dr.. boss then started threatening him.In California at least, this is illegal as hell, for several different reasons. The HR person was sitting right there with the boss. And this is a large corporation whose name you would recognize.

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A good HR department will head off problems and keep the company from getting sued. Our profit above all approach to corporations puts the squeeze on HR, especially in companies which are not well-run to begin with.

That being said, HR is never on the side of the employee. I would go to HR for help with, say, insurance or paperwork; I wouldn't expect to get much support from HR against a top executive or anyone who is favored by a top executive.

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My theory ( and keep in mind that I have millennial kids) is that some of them were so affected by the time they spent in day care that they decided to make their workplaces look like Day care centers, dress like they were in day care, and act like little kids.

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It's also about capital and share value. If people are dumb enough to invest, it doesn't matter to the company if they're profitable or not- until they run out of investors.

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Well, ok. I've worked with both. A female workplace can be a different kind of awful.

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This is killing me since I am in Human Resources and I am also a very nice person. I will admit that during my harassment training, I do say, "If you could all just not be assholes to each other, I would really, really appreciate it, but I also know if you all behaved like adults with common sense I would probably be out of a job."

But these HR people make me ashamed to be in HR. I am experiencing a lot of shame this year, being a middle aged white woman, and now this.

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They supposedly have $11 billion in cash. They lost 3 billion last year. If they don't increase fares considerably they will drain all their cash and start borrowing and investors will scram. But they don't want to increase fares so they are taking a risk that I think is not well thought out. Lyft isn't the only competitor. And wait until self-driving cars start hitting the road. Do you think Toyota, Ford, BMW are going to want a middle man like Uber? Or a threat to their 100+ year old companies existence. They will each start their own ride share services and reap the benefit of an already established dealer network to maintain their grid. Just a thought. I think people are holding Uber to too high of a standard but I'm skeptical it will come out on top in 10 years.

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I never downloaded it either, because I am in tech, and read Hacker News daily and knew from the getgo that Travis Kalalalalalalalanick was a grade A turd. But I also live in Chicago where cabs are plentiful so it was never a problem. It became a problem when my husband and I took an Amtrak adventure out west to Seattle / Portland / San Diego and lawd do you folks not believe in actual cabs out there or what?!!?

"Oh, just take an Uber" I heard over and over. Ugh, trying to explain to hotel people my PERSONAL BELIEFS about Uber got real old real fast while I was googling up an actual cab. That refused to take credit cards, so I always had to have (ick) cash. SO WEIRD.

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if y'all could quit bitching about HR for a moment and remember that Travis Kalanick is an awful person (and libertarian) who hides his profits in Bermuda and dropped nearly $10 million on Austin to lose, that'd be great. I mean, considering how they handle complaints against their drivers, I'm not fucking surprised that this happened.

for more on their customer complaints department:https://www.buzzfeed.com/jo...https://www.buzzfeed.com/ch...

and here's all the shit they shoved in my mailbox last April-May:https://www.facebook.com/pa...

and they also started texting anyone who had ever downloaded their platform (which, we checked, was not authorized by the use agreement anyone signed) and PMs to people where they harassed us. I continued to receive harassing PMs from pissed off pro-Prop 1 people up to 2 months after the vote.

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All that and she doesn't sue? Men will continue to behave like this as long as women let them get away with it. Make him PAY.

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HR people are not all bad. HR at a Fortune 100 company took my side once when a manager I reported to tried to get me fired on fake charges. I actually got a better job out of it.

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This is company that somehow gets a car from someplace to whomever wants one and in a crazy short amount of time. How can the operations part of Uber be anywhere near sane? It's like the final lap of Daytona!The "engineering" part can't be anything but a farce when so much focus is on nothing but now! now! now! faster! faster! faster! The remaining women should get a driver to take them all away and video the whole thing. Bye bye!!

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The engineering department is in the race for creating driverless cars, in order to not have to pay drivers anymore.

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"it’s such total TRUMPLAND"... yes and yet you continue to miss the forest for the twig (how many times do we have to say it?). It's LIBERTARIAN utopia in all its glory. UBER = Libertarian = monopolization, deregulation, privatization, corruption, anti-labor; sexism, racism, "free speech" only insofar as it pertains to their "right" to terrorize and exploit the vulnerable.

Women-hating is a feature (not a bug) of Libertarianism; see Gamergate; see Milo the pedo; see Weev over at the Daily Stormer; see Ron Paul and his legion of tech-savy Paultards): https://www.sanders.senate....

I should also mention: the left repeatedly falls for every far right piece of propaganda because you continue to play kissy face with those freaks - they've historically been so fucking toxic that Republicans wouldn't even touch them with a ten-foot pole. They now OWN the GOP )see "Tea Party")and you dimwits keep inviting the vampires into your house: https://thepoliticalspectat... > https://www.cato-unbound.or...

Then you sit around and wonder how come fascists are running our government. You helped spread it. And NO, you can't blame it on the Democrats. This shit has been going on for over a fucking decade and yet you assholes still haven't learned that you're spreading far right lunacy when you get in bed with these fucks (you become their shield): http://dneiwert.blogspot.co...

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P.S. Dolts, Huffington is not now nor was she ever a liberal (no shocker that she's on the board of Libertarian-owned Uber).

"— From After Reason, Arianna's New Age libertarian manifesto, in which she equates democracy, egalitarianism and a desire for economic security with totalitarianism and tyranny.

“...both the women's movement and the Great Society were spectacular disasters. They maintained the big lie that government, the federal father up in the sky, is going to take care of all social disputes and kiss away every economic boo-boo. They contributed to the breakup of the American family and they also contributed to the politicization of American life."

—Arianna on "Firing Line," December 7, 1994

Quote is from her recovered history courtesy of Mark Ames, who now writes for Pando (he's been trying for fucking years to explain Libertarianism to the left; as in, you will not use them; they will use you): http://shameproject.com/pro...

And remember boys and girls, Huffington Post was co-founded by Breitbart to fleece you tools: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bu...

What we have here is a bunch of far right shit stains who have managed to pass themselves off as "progressive" to idiots on the left. Congrats. They managed to elect fascists with your kind assistance.

Mark Ames, judging from his contention that the only individual he would ever consider actually voting for is Green Party Rocky Anderson, should also take some responsibility for the fucking mess we're in. The fucking "both sides" mantra coming from third party opportunists is beyond the fucking pale already.

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