False endorsements

AARPLeague of Conservation VotersNashua TelegraphThe Valley NewsDes Moine Register

Masqueraded as Culinary Workers Union Local 226, to gain access to private employee areas to lobby members deceptively. http://www.huffingtonpost.c...

Super PACs

In fact, more super PAC money has been spent so far in express support of Mr. Sanders than for either of his Democratic rivals, including Hillary Clinton, according to Federal Election Commission records.

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Dumbocrats more honest than Republicans LOL The more left you go the more underhanded tricks and propaganda are used.

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Lol Republicans grasping for fake scandal. Any of her underlings having kept top secret info on a public server would be in Leavenworth. Of course you also don't mention Bernie is a war criminal who had the unmitigated gall to extol the virtues of communism to kidnapped child soldiers who'd had their arms and legs blown off when forced to fight by his communist brothers and sisters. As one who provided material support to a regime that was committing war crimes, that makes Bernie a war criminal. A crime punishable by death.

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Please elaborate on the "mildly sloppy" handling of intelligence from CIA director HW Bush. Cause I'm betting you're full of shit and the most you did in the intel world is blow Breanna Manning

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There's literally no mention of the fact the casino bosses had employees listen to Bill Clinton as their paid work assignment and then the caucuses were held in the casinos, no secret ballot, cameras everywhere. This doesn't raise concerns at all? I am a culinary worker and member of Unite Here Local 8. Apparently Bernie ended up winning at the Clark County convention because thousands of Hillary delegates didn't show up and a few even changed their votes, makes you wonder if some of them never wanted to vote for Hillary in the first place.

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Yes, I would love to see the heads exploding when they find out she was a Republican until 1995.

But I am probably kidding myself, because somehow they will find a way to make it perfectly fine for Liz to have been a registered voting Republican until the age of 46, but completely unforgivable for Hillz to have "supported" Goldwater briefly to please her daddy when she was 16.

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Me too!!!!!!! i actually wanted Warren and liked Sanders but after seeing the type of people he incited, I decided to go to Clinton. It's not a good sign.

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and it has begun. The SAME thing that has basically destroyed the republicans (the tea party) movement is here with dems. What I do not get is why do you even care about what happens in a dam nomination process?> you are not a dem. you are an independent as you see us as too conservative. So start your own official party and get to stepping.

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I am a clinton supporter and I would vote for Warren. I wanted a woman and I am not ashamed to say I want a woman. Why not? I am sick of white men. I am sick of having men. I think I woman would do better. I wanted someone competent like Clinton. But I also wanted someone more progressive so I would love Warren. Damn it! I wish she would jump in. But she is not, so Clinton2016!

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They are a disgusting bunch, I have to say. They are so mean and angry and nasty in how they talk about Clinton and her supporters. They are also weakening us and our overall position in a geneal.

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And even more! Bernie is running an ad that implies the Des Moines Register endorsed him. They actually endorsed Hillary.

Bernie, you've been trashing the Democratic Party for decades, and we were still nice enough to let you run as one of us. You're in our house. Stop stinking up the place.


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Well, thank the good glorious sky sheheit I was right once. I'm only asking (you, even) where is your proof? You can have Bernie since it seems you're hungry. All yours. You cook like shit.

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Well now it's easy to understand you are A Idiot. Perhaps A IdiotBot

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The wonkette. My dear old wonkette. Hijacked without hope of ransom by strange, very strange Hillary Clinton folk. Was it the expansion or has the dear wonkette been targeted? They aren't even any fun, these folks.

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I'll not give you away, Wonkette, like a cheap strumpette cruzing his way towards a blond bush. I'm apauled. Is there no sanctorum? Wherever shall I Kasich my useless Fiorinas?

O, I huck, huck, huck, up a bee and and he stings the lovely Kim. Within Christie I see a Julie screaming to be released. So I'm off to Julie Christie! Catch ya' later!

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