Of course they want to be rid of him. He’s been an albatross for the GOP for years, and is about to lose another election the GOP is spending hundreds of millions on. Trump’s legal fees are an unprecedented drain on their campaign finances, and almost certainly an illegal one, if campaign finance laws had any teeth. Down ballot republicans are scolded and warned to BACK OFF trying to raise funds that could go into Poppy’s pockets. Being a Republican politician must be a form of kinky sadism.
Trump is only growing more unstable and desperate as his prospects of avoiding prison or fleeing the country grow dim. When asked about reducing the cost of childcare for families, he recently answered that tariffs on foreign countries would somehow help families afford childcare. Tariffs. It’s the kind of incoherent policy answer that would be devastating to Kamala Harris if she had said it. But the media expect Trump to speak gibberish. He also made the laughably absurd claim that the federal deficit would be gone “very very quickly,” ignoring the fact that he added trillions to the national debt. Other than reduce taxes for the wealthy and corporations, which deprived the government of needed revenue, he ignored all his campaign promises. He didn’t make healthcare affordable or available to everyone. He didn’t make the country safer, or wages higher. He could have demanded his party back a $15 national minimum wage. Even a $10 federal minimum wage is a no-brainer in 2024. Minimum wage is still $7.25. That’s about $14,500 for a year of full time work, which is below the poverty line, an astonishing fact.
Trump is a deeply unserious man with criminal convictions, judgments for sexual assault and pending federal indictments that would have ended any other candidate’s career long ago.
No sympathy for these fucking assholes. They KNEW back in 2016 how this would play out, but they decided to go all in on MAGA and lick Trump's taint anyway. Lindsey Graham is one of the bigger offenders despite his accurate assessment over 8 years ago:
If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.
He is not going away. Win or lose. He needs the Presidency to avoid losing money and probably his freedom. Expect acts of criminal desperation the second the popular vote goes against him.
Trump has 'earned' more money in the last 7 years than he ever pretended to possess. He'll be running for Pres till he drops dead. Which can't come soon enough.
And the GOP, like everyone else who believed every lie he uttered, will be left busted ass facing ruin. Oh dear .. anyway.
David Leonhardt (NYT) has written a few times about Dems being better for the economy than are GOPs, and he backs it up with lots of facts n figures. Yet somehow GOPs continue to persuade a huge % of the electorate that they're the part of fiscal responsibility (very much not) or of economic growth for all (very much not).
Ever since Reagan gave us the biggest budget deficits in history, caused the US to go from the largest creditor nation in the world to the largest debtor nation, AND caused two recessions, the MSM has been parroting the lie that Republicans are somehow "better" at the economy.
There is only ONE scenario where Donnie Dipshit will not be running for President between now and when the Sun engulfs Earth, and that is when he is stake-through-the-heart dead.
Of course they want to be rid of him. He’s been an albatross for the GOP for years, and is about to lose another election the GOP is spending hundreds of millions on. Trump’s legal fees are an unprecedented drain on their campaign finances, and almost certainly an illegal one, if campaign finance laws had any teeth. Down ballot republicans are scolded and warned to BACK OFF trying to raise funds that could go into Poppy’s pockets. Being a Republican politician must be a form of kinky sadism.
Trump is only growing more unstable and desperate as his prospects of avoiding prison or fleeing the country grow dim. When asked about reducing the cost of childcare for families, he recently answered that tariffs on foreign countries would somehow help families afford childcare. Tariffs. It’s the kind of incoherent policy answer that would be devastating to Kamala Harris if she had said it. But the media expect Trump to speak gibberish. He also made the laughably absurd claim that the federal deficit would be gone “very very quickly,” ignoring the fact that he added trillions to the national debt. Other than reduce taxes for the wealthy and corporations, which deprived the government of needed revenue, he ignored all his campaign promises. He didn’t make healthcare affordable or available to everyone. He didn’t make the country safer, or wages higher. He could have demanded his party back a $15 national minimum wage. Even a $10 federal minimum wage is a no-brainer in 2024. Minimum wage is still $7.25. That’s about $14,500 for a year of full time work, which is below the poverty line, an astonishing fact.
Trump is a deeply unserious man with criminal convictions, judgments for sexual assault and pending federal indictments that would have ended any other candidate’s career long ago.
No sympathy for these fucking assholes. They KNEW back in 2016 how this would play out, but they decided to go all in on MAGA and lick Trump's taint anyway. Lindsey Graham is one of the bigger offenders despite his accurate assessment over 8 years ago:
If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.
2:03 PM · May 3, 2016 https://x.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608
The only way Trump is ever going to go away and leave us in peace is when he is finally in the back of a hearse.
Still, the stench will linger...
He is not going away. Win or lose. He needs the Presidency to avoid losing money and probably his freedom. Expect acts of criminal desperation the second the popular vote goes against him.
Ta, Evan. GOTV and VOTE.
I vote trip and fall in traffic!!!!!
NOT WITH FUCKING VOTES!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!
Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris!
𝘐𝘵’𝘴 𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘋𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘥 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘱 𝘪𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺, 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩...
"Perhaps now you understand that it is not so easy to make a demagogue disappear just by wishing him to go away, yes?"
--A German politician to an American one in the 1950s, in reference to Joe McCarthy, as quoted in "Senator Joe McCarthy" by Richard Rovere
He's never going away. As long as he's sucking air, he'll be running/grifting.
Trump has 'earned' more money in the last 7 years than he ever pretended to possess. He'll be running for Pres till he drops dead. Which can't come soon enough.
And the GOP, like everyone else who believed every lie he uttered, will be left busted ass facing ruin. Oh dear .. anyway.
They created a monster that they cannot kill. Now where is my teeny violin? 🎻
Some are schmaht enuff to play the Long Game.
How long can he last?
Ask Malaria.
This explains why a Republican guy used a republican gun to try to takeout Trump.
He was just looking to become famous. The Jodie Foster Effect.
OT | Goldman Sachs predicts stronger GDP and job growth if Democrats sweep White House and Congress
David Leonhardt (NYT) has written a few times about Dems being better for the economy than are GOPs, and he backs it up with lots of facts n figures. Yet somehow GOPs continue to persuade a huge % of the electorate that they're the part of fiscal responsibility (very much not) or of economic growth for all (very much not).
Ever since Reagan gave us the biggest budget deficits in history, caused the US to go from the largest creditor nation in the world to the largest debtor nation, AND caused two recessions, the MSM has been parroting the lie that Republicans are somehow "better" at the economy.
It’s why Reaganomics is synonymous with “failed economic policy crafted on the backs of the poor”.
"Tickles their nips" EVAN YOU DEVIL
Donnie will never die. Fueled by revenge, he’ll slither on forever.
I'll take that bet.
There is only ONE scenario where Donnie Dipshit will not be running for President between now and when the Sun engulfs Earth, and that is when he is stake-through-the-heart dead.