but what will The Doctor time-travel in?

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The Human Leech will be a terrific super villain in a future SpiderMan movie. And Donald himself will be willing to play him, for the publicity.

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His campaign message:

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Harry Reid should respond by wearing a badass eyepatch.

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John McCain was born on a military base, and thus on US soil. Of course, had the positions been reversed, and Obama born at the Coco Solo Naval Air Station, the Birthers would have taken that fact and shit themselves with glee with it. The other two, fuck, I don't even know. Especially when it got to Ted Cruz. I knew they didn't really have any actual values, but seeing it shown in such plain terms that the GOP (and the Birthers, who were invariably Republican voters)would happily reverse themselves completely, so long as it looked like doing so would get them what they wanted, was still something else.

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Fortunately, to observe The Donald, depth perception is the last quality you need. Is there such a thing as shallowness perception?

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And my olfactory nerve was damaged from a head injury but when it comes to Trump, I can smell a rat.

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My stepson is R\GCB. He does not get the big deal about Christmas decorations.

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“Harry Reid? I think he should go back and start working out again with his rubber work-out pieces,” an apparent reference to the exercise band that snapped last year and caused Reid to fall and break a number of ribs and some facial bones.

Coincidentally, I have some insight into the possibility of accidents involving exercise bands, insight which dates from this very day.

As a result of my traumatic broken arm injury, I am still doing physical therapy and today I was doing strengthening with an exercise band. A woman who was doing exercises with a different therapist closeby turned to me said, "If that thing breaks, I will knock you to the floor."

That was a helluva conversational icebreaker. And I don't doubt she could have made good on her promise. She appeared to be older than I am but also taller, more solidly built and standing on a platform above me. A well-placed haymaker could have laid me flat.

It turns out that she has been working on a leg injury and, months ago, just such an exercise band broke, snapped into one of her legs and caused further damage from which she still hasn't recovered. I managed to finish my session without adding to her travails. But the lesson is that these exercise bands can and eventually will break, just like rubber bands.

Of course, a superb physical specimen such as The Donald cannot be expected to think about such matters when there is important poo to be flung.

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The biggest threat the Donald would pose to Mr. Reid in that situation is possibly trying to sit on him.

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He's such a Turdis full of shit that a Dalek plunger could never fix it. Never.

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♫ Fruitfly, don't bother me,Fruitfly, don't bother me.Fruitfly, don't bother me.I'm Bobo, I'm from the NYT. ♫

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Media sluts also seems unduly critical of perfectly nice sluts. I reject the term "media round-heels" for the same reason.

How about "media quiverfull, incest-enabling, serial-murderer approving, dog-burning-alive-and-hanging enthusiastic, worn-out cum receptacles?" Too hard on Huckabee & pals?

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Reid would rope-a-dope that lumbering boob like M. Ali.

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My 90-year-old Mom is almost completely deaf, but she can hear enough that she listened to Bernie and voted for him in the primary. She's since switched to Hillz, too, and is mad as hell about all the insults regarding her age and health. Maybe they could date?

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