So that's where my family went wrong.

BTW - Check with Doc Zoom about the correct spelling of "Honoré de Ballsack."

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The Pink Panther?

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"We have ancient Palmyra Columns too, you want, eh? Better get them now, they might have accident!"

*checks bible*"Nah, not Jesusy enough. PASS"

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So it's like "Nice biblical ephemera we got here. Be a shame if someone blew it up or pillaged it..."?

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They had a sincere belief that they could pay looters who had a sincere belief that they could steal stuff to support the sincere beliefs of ISIL. It's all about sincerity.

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They have a moral duty to return the El Gin Marbles to Peggy Noonan, or at least all the gin.

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"Allegedly, I might add! Anyway, can you make change for $500?" *gestures toward diapers*

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Hehehehe..... U.S. Customs Top Men. They must save their Bottom Men for those much deeper investigations.

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So....that makes them supporters of Al Qaeda and/or ISIS then, doesn't it? That should be investigated, shouldn't it?

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Something us little people could enjoy, bless their hearts! Not many of us will get to enjoy munitions, willingly.

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Haha reminds me of a story from my Mormon upbringing. One of the lesser-known books of Mormon scripture that originated from Joseph Smith was the Book of Abraham. Joseph was given an ancient Egyptian papyrus being touted by a travelling guy with some Egyptian mummies, what had earlier been plundered by Napoleon out of the pyramids and whatnot. Joseph "translated" this spiritually instructive scripture that was supposedly God talking to the biblical prophet Abraham. Later, these papyri were later translated by real Egyptologists and found to be boring funerary texts routinely buried with the mummies and nothing to do with Abraham. Oh well.

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Oh I would so love to see that. Hobby Lobby up on charges of supporting terrorism. I mean they do already, they just usually limit it to Lady Parts.

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But Anglo Saxon Tea Party Jesus totes loves people who steal from brown skinned heathens who are going to hell cuz they worship Satan. So its all good.

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I am here to state my firmly held belief that Green Jello is a tool of the Cosby. It must be struck from the face of the earth. Any establishment that sells or serves this abomination against rational humanity shall have all employees and owners be forced to sit in a mirror lined room with a disco ball while listening to an endless loop of Kidz Bop performs Celine Dions greatest hits. If you don;t agree with me then..... YOU ARE WRONG I AM RIGHT NAY NAY NAY NAY NAY!!

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Sounds like this guy James McCormick could earn himself some time off for good behaviour for repackaging his infamous "bomb detectors" the ADE 651 yet again but this time as virginity detectors.

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