Jesus H Fuck, this argument is, among other things, completely wrong. It is possible to make a rational argument that corporate <i>dividends</i> should be taxed at a lower rate because the corporate earnings from which they come have already been taxed (the counter-argument is, of course, that mostly those corporate earnings <i>haven't</i> really been taxed).

But <i>capital gains</i> have no direct connection corporate taxation, or corporate income. Capital gains just mean that you hit the good numbers at the <strike>casino</strike> financial market. Making a statement like "...capital gains, which has already been taxed as corporate income" displays a level of ignorance of how financial markets work that deserves prolonged mockery, and should permanently disqualify the person making the statement from being taken seriously about any financial matters more complicated than calculating a tip.

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Everyone thinks Steve Jobs was such a genius for selling cool products. He made incredible profits, shielded them from taxation, and then was too stupid to have the operation that could have saved his life.

Sent from my Macbook.

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He's just trying to scare Hannity away from Florida.

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OK, it doesn't kill them, exactly, but it does give them severe wedgies.

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Wow. So, pigs flew, this morning?

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You're not talking about the "Build the danged wall" wall, are you?

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Joe isn't from Florida. He's from Pensacola.

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