you're right! I wonder what sort of high jinx the cat was witnessing to evoke that snagged-toothed look. I wasn't able to watch Chowder for long since Comcast took Cartoon Network away from the basic package. He reminded me of one of my sons with his goofiness (the other reminded me of "Skipper" from Penguins of Madagascar, although fortunately, he doesn't share his disdain for hippies.)

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What is really telling is that it isn't just anybody who is acknowledging that the video is of a miscarriage -- it is the mother herself and she is a pro-lifer. And yes, she says that it was filmed and released without her consent. Thanks for the cite, LT.

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But because it is Costanza, secretly he would confide to Jerry that he doesn't know a damn thing about what he is talking about and that he's just making it up as he goes along.

And then later Roger Ailes will overhear him saying the same thing to another Fox host on the set during a commercial break, and will angrily call him into his office ... only to congratulate him and give him a raise.

(BANG-bang-bang-bang-Poppop-pop-POWWW ...)

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Carly Fiorina -- the Joe Isuzu of Presidential campaign politics.

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What's that you mutton 'bout now?

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I'm hiring you to write my scripts!

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Speaking of tools, not very sharp, are you?

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Easy, Tea-publicans are all a bunch of whiny, lying, liars. But its all good, their only lying for baby Jebus.

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Irony alert.

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Whether she is pro-"life" or pro-choice is not relevant, the fact that this lie has been fabricated using the images of her still born is.

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You guys are such Hypocrits. I haven't made up my mind about who I'm voting for, but Hillary is the biggest liar of them all. And you don't rake her over the coals. So unless you are going to call her out, your comments lack credibility and you are nothing more than a political hack devoid of objectivity.

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The article is about one liar, Carly Liarina, not all liars. By your measure, your comment should have listed every liar who has run for office, not just the one you conveniently call the biggest. Try again and this time follow your own rule.

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You wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your silly ass.

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Actually, it was pretty good, and you know it 😅

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You have truth mixed up with truthiness, move along little teabagger.

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oh look, A Idiot, now let us all point and make fun of the A Idiot!Objectively of course.

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