It is like the 'split infinitive' thing - the result of Latin conjugations. The infinitive in Latin is done using endings - there are four different possible endings of the infinitive: āre, ēre, ere, and īre; since you can't translate a split infinitive into Latin, it was ruled to be wrong. In the case of prepositions, in Latin the noun's case is changed by whether or not the the preposition is ablative or accusative and the word itself means 'positioned before' the noun.An odd side note, the word 'det' was a fine Anglo-Saxon word but a 'b' was added to Latinize it to debt w/o changing the pronunciation

edit - info taken from vague memories of Latin classes 55 years ago when I thought I might become a priest, corrections welcome

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Axel himself died around1988. I had to look at some of the tax work for the estate. The company continues to stink.

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Then there is no grammar except what people say and the most illiterate and imprecise speech is just fine. IMHO

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I'm not sure any of the "wacko birds" they're talking about are any better, even the honest ones. Because the definition of those wacko birds is that they are not living in this reality, and and they will passionately and at times violently defend their delusions.

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I've been a Dem for more than 60 years and don't think I ever felt contempt for the Dem base, except of course, Dixiecrat segregationists and some war mongers.

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Not nothing but actively did things to make it worse.

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All the nopes in this and any other universes.

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Well, you know, they have to keep those doors and windows closed somehow.

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So will Epilson Minus be the same as Delta Plus?

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They're all contin on that...

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As long as it conveys meaning.

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What specifically did Bernie do that was divisive? If you’re going to say that he claimed the election was rigged then you might want to check Snopes or Politifact first.

Other than that you’re claiming what? That he campaigned hard and tried to win?

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Wagner's district, Missouri's Second, is the white western St. Louis suburbs, by the way.And now I'm wondering if maybe they actually said "wacko 'burbs" and not "birds". But if she already has the 'burbs, probably not.

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can i come with you and exchange puns?

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They will lie cowards ...All craven cowards ...They will lie cowaaaards in their grave ....

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lolz it was not good job Politico. They know the next time there is something salacious, she will talk to them. And if not, no big, she isn't a big player.That was weighing the pros and cons

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