OH NOEZ! can't teach children that there is such a thing as contraception for the times when the ladies don't want to be brood mares in white supremacists' wet dreams?
I normally watch only steamed channels, Amazon, Netflix, etc. but every once in a while I watch a broadcast channel and am subjected to bears bragging about their kissably clean butts. I don't think bears give a damn about their butts being clean and I too am put off by this stupid commercial. It's toilet paper for goodness sake. We wipe our butts with it, flush it and forget about it. When I record shows I fast forward through it. It's not immoral or disgusting, just so effing stupid.
It's a funnier word.At least funnier than prophylactics."raincoats" is a more obscure alternate, but might ruin the (already weak) joke."Johnnys" is too UK, as would be "jimmy hats"
I assume they're more upset at "some female thinks she can be happy without children!" And a husband, presumably.
OH NOEZ! can't teach children that there is such a thing as contraception for the times when the ladies don't want to be brood mares in white supremacists' wet dreams?
Trump could run down 5th Avenue yelling "Condoms" at the top of his lungs and still get reelected.
I normally watch only steamed channels, Amazon, Netflix, etc. but every once in a while I watch a broadcast channel and am subjected to bears bragging about their kissably clean butts. I don't think bears give a damn about their butts being clean and I too am put off by this stupid commercial. It's toilet paper for goodness sake. We wipe our butts with it, flush it and forget about it. When I record shows I fast forward through it. It's not immoral or disgusting, just so effing stupid.
Three cheers for clean buts! And comdums.
It's obvious that he should have said "rubbers".
It's a funnier word.At least funnier than prophylactics."raincoats" is a more obscure alternate, but might ruin the (already weak) joke."Johnnys" is too UK, as would be "jimmy hats"
They really wouldn't have liked "love gloves".
Heh, heh. Rubbers... *snorks*
Broyhill LIBELZ!!1!!!
I like my channels both steamed and pressed.
(but not my condoms)
He should have thought "condoms" 42 years ago.
Shouldn't they be spending their time choosing Jiff?
Okay. Really? I just saw a commercial where men are holding sad looking carrots and talking about their penises. Where is the outrage?!
No mushrooms?
Naw, children aren't "blessings from the Lord", they're simple intercourse without [what's the word,, oh yea] CONDOMS.
or . . . you could do both . . . and then blame your mangled testicles on Hillary.
And then does so on you and your bed!
She was right the first time.