Can't wait to see Ty's Quaker Oats commercial next month!!

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Maybe my question's premature. Have we seen confirmation by Flood that he's signing on? Just because the White House announced it don't mean it's happenin.'

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It's the Rabbit of Caerbannog 😨😨😨

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Two hours before the announcement of his "retirement", Ty Cobb gave a long interview to a podcast and never mentioned he was leaving. Two hours later, a rival news source breaks the news of his departure. Guess it slipped his mind, as retirements often do.

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Another rat jumping off the sinking ship

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Now Cobb can get back to what he does best: being a straight dude who pays to suck dick. Oh don't act shocked, straight guys give bro jobs a lot more than you think. After all, what's more competitive than two all-American fellas going down on each other in an attempt to see who can gobble more knob? Just remember, its not gay if you don't swallow.

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Hillary's lawyer is awesome and I'm glad Trump hired Hillary's lawyer Because Trump needs the kind of Hillary's lawyer who defended Hillary.

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Actually, he calls it frumenty. But it tastes the same.

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It was certainly a really good choice to hire Hillary's lawyer. Trump and Hillary have a lot more in common that we ever thought, if they have the same lawyer, who was Hillary's lawyer. And he did such a good job as Hillary's lawyer that it only makes sense that Trump would hire Hillary's lawyer!

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Well they are so lucky!!! Donald Trump knows MORE about every aspect of law than ANYONE! More than “than any president that’s ever been in office.”

I am kinda impressed with that. As George Washington was there when the sorta invented the laws about the United States as a separate legal entity to any other state. And Thomas Jefferson might have helped write the Constitution. What did they know compared to the brilliance of Donald Trump? Or Clinton or Obama? AS THEY ALL AREN'T GOING DOWN AS THE ONLY PRESIDENT IMPEACHED IN HIS FIRST TERM!

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Rudy has been on the team for a week and he's already made any possible defense against Stormy invalid. And that is AFTER Trump opened his fat piehole and put it in jeopardy! But yeah, Bill and Barry were out there dissing the office of President and destroying laws everyday for 8 years. NOT!

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How do you explain to your children that the President - who is not Hillary Clinton - paid a porn star to wallop him with a rolled-up magazine? And then they had vaginal intercourse. That seem like a high point in the conduct of the Office of President of the United States to you? Or do you tell them it is just like when George Washington cut down the cherry tree? Only with dicks and pussies and a bit of B&D?

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That IS bad. Guess they backed a dump truck full of money up to Flood's house. Or maybe, Flood is his porn name for when he works with the pee hookers?

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He must know what he's getting into. But we can hope that perhaps when he experiences first hand the bees in Trump's brain swarming and attacking, he will run screaming from the white house.

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Okay. All it will take to discredit Flood among Cult 45 is to CONSTANTLY repeat that he defended Bill & Hil to the Faux News crowd. Looking for a volunteer. Watcha up to these days, Ralph Peters?

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