They should've stuck with surveyor's marks.

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Can't wait for McCain to explain on Sunday why NATO should include Ukraine's Nazis.

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My hat, sir. And this shiny inter net.

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Are these the guys who shot down the plane? Or was that the OTHER heroes? Could someone just tell me who the good guys/bad guys are for once?

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The GOP thinks it's a great idea, too.

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And Quiet Flows the Don

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"The enemy of my enemy...is still my enemy, but may prove useful" - Cardassian proverb.

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So we have the choice between Ukrainian Nazis and Ukrainian Commies (who are, am I wrong?, sort of patrio-fascists). And we're presenting this choice to a citizenry of dumbfucks who cannot tell that there is (yes there is, really, on average) a difference between Democrats and Republicans.

I'm terribly sorry for the poor fuckers (at a guess, 75% of Ukrainians) stuck in the middle of this shit.

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"The enemy of my enemy is an asshole"?

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So, the Bangladeshis?

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There is nothing new under the sun. Except that Riley is now a Stooge.

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