Truly sorry to hear that!

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Mmm, she can interfere with my election any time!

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Ha! Great memories... I think. What about the cost of setting your kid up in the dorms, cafeteria, etc. and then having to pack it all up and truck it back home again? Not to mention the time!

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At least you could drive to Ottawa for culture.

I mean, where else were you going to go? Ogdensburg?

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??? I saw a couple short blogs depicting the craziness of it. What did you see?

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Jeez, who could possibly have predicted that college students may not strictly follow rules during thier off hours? It's not like there's been past problems regarding terrible student behavior like this at UNC Chapel Hill, no recurring rape scandals or anything like that! Oh, wait...

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you mean the one right next to the statues of margaret thatcher, milton friedman and ayn rand?

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I am so worried for him but we’re all waiting to see what actually happens now.

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That would be the one. Gross.

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How awful 😔 sorry to hear this

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In the strictest sense of the term, a "clusterfuck" is a defeat or slaughter brought about by the tendency of soldiers inexperienced in combat to cluster together when attacked, thus making themselves better targets.

A very apt metaphor for this situation.

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Let me guess: Do the parents work at Carroll College?

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All those statues are together along a campus walkway informally called "Dustbin of History" Lane.

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Oh shit, now I’m in trouble. I guess I should have been more vague with the details. (Yes they do work at Carroll, that’s how she can afford to go to Chapman because they have a deal where children of professors at partnering colleges get reduced tuition)

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You know what else is a clusterfuck (in the strictest sense)? NO!!? take a guess.

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unbelievable. "So I guess in terms of lessons learned, certainly, that was a big lesson learned."A mere High School graduate could have predicted this, you stupid fucking MBA.

I'm certain they knew that this is exactly what would happen, but were under so much pressure from the Board and the state that they were like "fuck it, as long as it's not MY kid that dies."

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