Judging from the P.O mail-bombs, the anarchists are back already.

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Hey the comments were freed! Feeling obsessive compulsive this morning, so I'll edit this double post...FOR FREEDOM

19) Blogpost prison guard 20) Congressional librarian/Tweet ombudsman 21) Walmart-bag fashion model

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Prepare your "will work for soppy human-interest media productions" signs

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The fragrance market will be huge!

<i>Filthee Ballz </i>by Dolce & Gabbana <i>Stale Pisspants</i> by Davidoff and Axe's <i>Sour Asscrack</i>

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10) Survival seedbank teller 11) Meth preacher media liason 12) Death robot munitions depot greeter

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The President's new economic adviser just said on NPR that our policy should be 'a rising tide lifts all boats'. Didn't we hear that during the Gipper's time?

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I was looking for a job, and then I found a job And heaven knows I'm miserable now

as one of the 15 million, i find comfort in the smiths.

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Even Captain Kangaroo has fallen on hard times.

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What is the TSA-1108, a security theater robot that rapes you to check for dirty bombs in your colon?

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Don't worry it will be 5 dollars soon enough and only the rich will be able to drive, the rest of us will all be on overloaded buses painted like a rolling Portuguese whorehouse like in South America.

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constitutional scholar.

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i was looking for a job, and then i found a job and heaven knows i'm miserable now.

as one of the 15 million, i find myself spending a lot of time with the smiths.

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