There is a certain geometric symmetry in toilet flushing. With or without turds.

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Repugnanticans are watching their utopia for oligarchs dissolve right before their eyes. This economy they've created can't be sustained. All the rules for keeping pay low, keeping workers chained to jobs so they can have healthcare, and taxing the middle class to pay for the military is falling apart. 38 million unemployed! I read a story yesterday that figures that approximately 42% of the jobs that have been lost in trumps plague WILL NOT BE COMING BACK. That is 16 million Americans permanently unemployed.

This is why they're in denial about this. They want to insist things go right back to the way they were and that is never going to happen. No more business as usual assholes.

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I don’t mean to single you out, but I hate this “lottery tickets are for the stupidest of poors” thing. They’re not stupid. They know the odds are astronomical. But if you’ve been shit on enough by luck/the system / generational poverty or whatever, they seem about as good as the odds of making good the “right” way, and it buys you 5 min - a couple of days of happy day dreaming.

Poor people aren’t stupid. Their betting line is just different than yours, and the ROI changes.

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Nice work if you can find it.

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The missus and I still have not gotten our stimmy checks. I won't believe it is going to happen until it actually happens.

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Thanks. Glad my sense of proportion isn’t so far out of proportion.

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Invisible thumb on the scale.

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In the event that this is useful: I had to go to the `where's my check?' app repeatedly. After weeks of getting an electronic shrug and no-idear messages, it asked for additional information. I provided address, deposit information, and a few days later had a deposit.

Good luck.

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Did autocorrect make you misspell "dick"?

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He's a dick who looks like a duck.

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Oh lordy, it really does!

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The website to enter information for a direct deposit is shut down now, I believe.

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Just like Rehab.

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ah! everybody clap harder and it'll all get better.

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What a common little Mrs Hogswallop!

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Here's where I entered the information. https://sa.www4.irs.gov/irf...I hope it, or something, works for you.

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