if you eliminate the sequester, the budget cuts, the obstruction, the fight against the size of the stimulus and the giant potholes caused by shutdowns and fiscal cliff BS E3 unemployment would probably be somewhere between 4-5%

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Hell, I'd go back to work in a heartbeat. The paltry amount that I get from my pension is enough to keep me alive, but just barely.

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It's sufficient to keep the economy from flunking out of school, but not good enough to allow it to move up to the next grade.

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Mandatory slut pills though, so there's that. But it just shows that he can't even wage a decent war on women, fer crissakes.

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Meh, he should be doing a whole lot more by now. I mean, when is he gonna get around to having people thrown into prison for saying, "Merry Christmas" now, huh? Here we are, already into yet another holiday season, and the "Christmas" crowd is <i>still</i> allowed to walk the streets as (semi-)free people. It's a disgrace!

Me and all of my Taker friends would be marching in protest by now, if we could stop downloading porn for a minute and get up off of our lazy fat asses.

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From what I've heard, undertakers will <i>literally</i> be the big winner when Obamacare kicks in.

Also, camp counselors (who can pass a FEMA background check, duh, and wear size 10 jackboots) will be in demand.

And, of course, Supreme Sharia Court Justices.

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This is all thanks to the policies <strike>Dubya</strike> Reagan put in place.


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those calves won't raise themselves!!1!

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and the GOP House, with their laser-like focus on Jerbs, Jerbs, Jerbs

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true- W was pretty damn good at it- guy couldn't find oil in Texas

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Won't you guess my name?

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TRANSLATION: Mandela was his caddy

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We'd probably be about 6% or less if the GOP hadn't been such dicks.

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the sequester alone accounts for that

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The unemployment rate here in Minnesota is 4.8% with our liberal governor and democrat packed houses. We also are going to run a surplus so the schools can be paid back all the money that Tim Pawlenty robbed from them in an effort to balance the budget. Suck it wingnutz.

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