yup - Wonkette is pure truth

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no, but they sure are

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I'm sure he'd be too emotional and he'd never get over his bafflement and indignation at each thing that confronted him on the campaign trail. Plus, how would he deal with the interactions he'd inevitably have with his arch enemies: the Democrats? And worse-- how would he manage to share the spotlight with other promising fine young Republicans of the far Right? Yet he'd have to somehow.

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If she didn't have that pursuit of the criminal soda thrower to occupy her, she'd just have humiliation. But this way, she can be a genuine American freedom fighter in Trump's cause. I No wonder they're always indignant. No wonder they're always claiming Liberals are censoring them or criticizing them or hindering them in some way, and being snobby elites. When none of that is happening, and no one is engaging them at all, (exept in this one special case). It generates a lot of self-esteem and drama.

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I know we like to play up the stupidity of Trump supporters but I've seen larger crowds on Walmart's toilet paper isle.

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It would be hilarious if it wasn't so terrifying. Hoards of wingnuts screaming and banging on counting rooms to be let inside so they can SEE ALL THE FRAUDS! If these idiots were actually allowed inside the past few days, they would find the same thing Trump's lawyers are going to find. Millions and millions of ballots. Some for Trump, some (more) for Biden. But no smoking gun. No suspicious ballots or dead people or cats voting or illegal aliens. Just Americans, sick of this shit, electing a decent man and woman for the office that desperately needs them. Will a handful of ballots be invalid? Probably, almost certainly. It happens. But it will happen on both sides, and it won't be anywhere close to pervasive. If Trump's attorneys find even a dozen ballots with errors, or that shouldn't have been counted, even if they are for Trump, he will scream for months about the "proof" of "fraud" he found. This is partly about Trump's final hail mary, desperate play, and half about optics. If he can find something, anything, he can claim he was right. He isn't.

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They're trying to do a Brooks Brothers Riot thing.

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Couldn't it be he was mistreated in his old home and it was a Mexican home, and that there's a smell from Mexican food that stays with whoever eats it? I mean, there are mean people in every ethnic group.

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What were those things Arnold Stang used to talk about?

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I'm surprised Trump has never called on him. Maybe he was a bit jealous of that Trump of the North. He had such a way about him.

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See? And she's a doctor!

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A deplora-bros' riot.

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Now that the meth belts have access.

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SCTV in general is not nearly as widely known as they should be.

Also, Firesign Theater, who were so very much more than funny lines for stoned kids to memorize ... though I certainly met that description back in the day.

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The other one only stopped being a racist meathead party about 50 years ago*.

*not applicable in all states

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