"Donald Trump, Champion of the American Worker, as long as the American Worker shuts up and is damn well satisfied with whatever he or she might get."

Wonder how long before he starts demanding we bow before his hair hat on a pole in the town square. Know any good crossbowmen?

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You must go to a very dark place to grok that guy. But be sure to deadbolt the door when you leave. Also burn a little sage just to be safe.

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Naw, the flying monkey brigade has been brainwashed that unions are what's costing them all their jobs that are going overseas, so they already think all union heads should get shot.

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I hate to say this, but I am going to have to start watching what I say to certain people. A relative and dear friend of mine in Louisiana, who is a die-hard liberal anti-capitalist free-speech Democratic Socialist, and also 70 years old and severely disabled, had a disagreement with his home health nurse after the election. She voted for Trump. Yesterday evening the police showed up at his door, knocked it down when he couldn't get to the door fast enough because he's DISABLED, and dragged him off to a psych ward with an Order of Protective Custody in which the nurse accused him of saying he was going to buy an AK-47 and kill all his doctors, everyone in the county government, and every psychiatrist he could find. He is therefore a "danger to himself and others" and they locked him up for at least 3 days, possibly 15, and would not let his family or a lawyer talk to him. They then transferred him to another facility and wouldn't tell us where he is. I was on the phone this morning for 4 hours trying to find out where they sent him (I did). The most stupid thing about it is that he is permanently wheelchair bound - can't walk or stand, and is a very gentle, non-violent person who also can't drive, having been disabled for 50 years. Who, exactly, do they expect him to massacre? They forced him to give a urine sample, a blood sample, and have a brain MRI. Meanwhile his front door is missing and there is nobody to feed his 3 dogs, and by the way he doesn't own an AK-47, probably couldn't even lift an AK-47, and if he did manage to buy and lift an AK-47 it would probably damage his pacemaker when he pulled the trigger, and also he is PERFECTLY SANE! But he is alone and sick and poor and vulnerable, so he is a target. We figure the nurse just made it all up.

Mr. Jones is not alone and sick and poor and vulnerable, but he better watch his back.

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I volunteer to hurt them.

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I'm glad that the workers are SO much better armed this time around.

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I love this guy Chuck Jones. I am about to go off the grid. Get a flipphone and only read false news like Wonkette and other liberal websites for the time Trump is in office.

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Because the only solution to that problem is Socialism?

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Oh my goodness. I wish I lived near by. I would at least help with his dogs. This country is fucked, I swear.I live in a Blue State and have friends all around me who voted for Trump. Some are harmless. Just stupid. Others are well, I shut my mouth. I am older and I don't have a gun or wish to have one.

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Also child fucking, apparently.

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No, just the traditional "ARBEIT MACHT FREI".

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Yes but all the rest of the family have to deal with his stupid ass, also too.

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I realise that cops have to check out reports like this, but why in hell do they have to go in like they're busting Scarface? Thank goodness they didn't shoot him, it's been known to happen, even during "wellness checks".

I hope he or his family sue whoever the nurse works for, since she probably doesn't have enough assets to make it worthwhile to sue her.

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i'd like to believe they would wise up, but i don't want to overestimate them, (again).i truly thought people were smarter than they are.they're not.

(btw: i love your posts.)

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No. Never. I will never watch what I say in the USA. And neither should you. This is precisely what Trump wants. He wants us to be afraid and to shut up. Never! You should call a reporter and share your story. Tell the world. Everyone should keep doing what this union boss did. Stand up to tyranny.

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tell this story to the media.involve the ACLU.maybe even the humane society.help him sue the nurse's company.get her in as much trouble as you can.her career should be ended.

where are you?

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