Unionized workers from all across the state will now think they're living in Hell.

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OT news flash: Supreme Court orders<i> der Buttßsechs für Alle!</i>

Well, they're going to <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2012\/12\/08\/us\/supreme-court-agrees-to-hear-two-cases-on-gay-marriage.html" target="_blank">discuss </a>it, anyway.

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More importantly, pepper spray doen't get itself out of the can either.

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The teabaggers won't be happy until <i>everybody</i> is working for Wal-Mart wages and (absence of) benefits. And of course, no Obamacare either. What's most pathetic of all is that so many of these dolts are already subsisting at that level; they just want everyone else to join them in trailer park hell.

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Yes he did. Fucked over the teachers, while pandering to the cops. Teabagger priorities.

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\"Long Dong Silver II: This it's personal.\"

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Funny how the teabaggers borrow so heavily from commie dictator tactics. I fully expect them to try to make "People's Democratic Republic of Michigan" the official state name.

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Hey, if Wal-Mart paid union wages and benefits, they'd be all uncompetitive and out of business, just like Costco. Oh wait ... hmmm ... well, there's got to be <i>some</i> difference. Maybe they wouldn't have obscenely rich owners?

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Why not? At least half the videos are Faux News blowhards, bloviating.

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There you are.

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Actually, not.

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"Prompted". How diplomatic.

The pepper spray was dispersed. In the vicinity of protesters.

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