She can't come because she's dying. She's not receiving treatment because insurance is too expensive but at least she and Dick have their freedumb.

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Whenever dudes who are mad they might have to learn something after high school start bloviating about how nobody else understands hard work, I just imagine them trying to do a lifeguard re-cert seven months pregnant like I did.

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The people I run across doing the “nobody understands” bit are almost invariably not the ones like your dad, but the “I was a carpenter’s apprentice for a year and now I’m He-man” types.

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When an employer provides insurance it considers it part of the employee's pay check, so in a real sense you are paying for it. It's just a hidden process.

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I agree, though I also think the Dems totally failed to either message or defend it after it was passed. They let the Repub attack machine scare people. I mean, "death panels?"

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Huh? What on earth are you talking about?

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I expect they get excellent health coverage and don't realize that it's part of their pay and therefore they are paying for it.

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Depending on how you define "more socialist programs" then you are wrong. Universal health coverage could save us a fortune by cutting out the profit-gouging middle men. It is not possible to have two top priorities: if your top priority is profit then it can't be health care.

Are you also against those famous "socialist programs" Social Security, Medicare, Medical, publicly funded roads and other infrastructure?

The whole argument that socialism and capitalism are mutually exclusive is garbage. All developed countries have systems that combine the two.

BTW, here is a list of the most socialistic countries in the world; Venezuela is not on it. http://blog.peerform.com/to...

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That was one of the most damaging things they did, but they did a lot more than that. Again, the Dems failed to fight back.

Ironically, when talk about repealing Obamacare was at its strongest one WingNut bragged that he was okay. He didn't get his insurance through Obamacare; he used the ACA.

Other posters kindly pointed out to them that they were the same thing and that if Obamacare was repealed he would lose his health coverage.

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You may be tired of "slowly," but I'm afraid that slowly is not tired of you.

Neither of those things is going to happen quickly. It's just not possible. They are complex situations that rouse high emotions in people. Tons of jobs and money are involved. Our political system allows corporations and other non-people to buy an expensive seat at the table.

Even things that happen incredibly slowly, like Obamacare, meet rabid resistance. And then get hacked at. And sued. Repeatedly.

I am happy to see incremental improvement on just about any issue. If we got a true instant fix I'm be ecstatic, but it's never happened before. Even the relatively rapid passage of laws allowing gay marriage haven't ended the discrimination problem. We have to keep working at it.

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Uninformed. An on the job injury is typically a workmans comp claim,not against ones personal insurance. Poor treatment is the result of poor protections of workers typically the result of lobbying and 'business friendly ' politics

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But if they don't grow soy beans the gubmint might send them money!

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I just wonder how they found out you used stolen turps in your still.

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That's a truly unfortunate turn of phrase.

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Thank you for the information. I found it very valuable.

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IBEW the sparky union....

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