<blockquote>Also, we would like to see some data on this &ldquo;transgender folks get rapey every nine minutes&rdquo; thing, which sounds suspiciously like the kind of 100-percent-legit statistics our good friends at the Family Research Council would <strike>completely make the fuck up</strike> employ.</blockquote>
Far weaslier than that. You see, they didn&#039;t actually say TG folks get rapey every nine minutes, they merely deliberately constructed a statement that would seem like they were saying that. They said that biological men &quot;including&quot; those that self-identify as women blah blah, eliding the fact that of rapes committed by XY individuals, almost all are committed by those self-identifying as men.
Yeah, it&#039;s so intentionally misleading as to qualify as a lie.
<em>&ldquo;If some individuals can change their sexual orientation, that proves that being &lsquo;gay&rsquo; is not inborn&quot;</em>
Or it means your &quot;conversion&quot; therapy heaps so much emotional and verbal abuse upon the &quot;patient&quot; until they break and agree with whatever you say to get away.
You know, sort of like Gitmo but with less rectal feeding.
<blockquote>Also, we would like to see some data on this &ldquo;transgender folks get rapey every nine minutes&rdquo; thing, which sounds suspiciously like the kind of 100-percent-legit statistics our good friends at the Family Research Council would <strike>completely make the fuck up</strike> employ.</blockquote>
Far weaslier than that. You see, they didn&#039;t actually say TG folks get rapey every nine minutes, they merely deliberately constructed a statement that would seem like they were saying that. They said that biological men &quot;including&quot; those that self-identify as women blah blah, eliding the fact that of rapes committed by XY individuals, almost all are committed by those self-identifying as men.
Yeah, it&#039;s so intentionally misleading as to qualify as a lie.
<blockquote> but with less rectal feeding. </blockquote>
At least as far as we know from public records.
And the goddam trolls! Who even knows from gender with a troll?
Years ago, in a more polite age, we&#039;d clear the men&#039;s room and stand guard so the women could use it. I&#039;m old.
Dear Penthouse....
<i>transgender women &ldquo;rape women every 9 minutes.&rdquo; </i>
They must be exhausted!
<em>&ldquo;If some individuals can change their sexual orientation, that proves that being &lsquo;gay&rsquo; is not inborn&quot;</em>
Or it means your &quot;conversion&quot; therapy heaps so much emotional and verbal abuse upon the &quot;patient&quot; until they break and agree with whatever you say to get away.
You know, sort of like Gitmo but with less rectal feeding.
<i>Also, too, surrender your boundaries? The fuck does that mean?</i>
You know who <i>else</i> surrendered their boundaries?
&quot;If you believe that, I&#039;ve got a boat to sell you.&quot; - James O&#039;Keefe
The Ottoman Empire?
Elsewhere on the gheys-are-icky battlefront, we have the story of a nice lesbian couple who got up to dance ... and forgot they were in Florida: <a href="https:\/\/social.newsinc.com\/media\/json\/69017\/28397762\/singleVideoOG.html\?videoId=28397762" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="https://social.newsinc.com/media/json/69017/28397...">https://social.newsinc.com/...
Be aware that this is from a Fox &quot;News&quot; affiliate. In Floriduh.
Every empire, ever?
On the bright side, this eliminates any possibility of confusing the MENZ+ Society with the Mensa Society.
So, original comment was correct.
What it &quot;proves&quot; is that some individuals are bisexual. Who knew?