Hands on the handlebars, so no problem. Unless he left his helmet home...

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Jeebus Hornswoggle Christ -- can a man possibly look any more Republican than that?

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You're all ignoring the biggest offender, 2 & 1/2 Men.

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wow dude was born in canada. do we have a base there?

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puffy white people gross me out.

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Sorry, Elvious: Fredonia, NY.

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So Mark Foley was simply following Florida law all along. Who knew?

On another note, I always thought Jennifer Aniston would make a pretty good actress. I wonder, has she ever thought of trying it? Acting, I mean.

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They had a simliar law in a college town near where I grew up in western NY, except it only applied to women. Because more than however many (3 or 4, I think) was obviously, by its nature, a brothel.

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The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree, O Barb'ed One?

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<i>"he hasn’t returned phone calls about it for the past two days"</i>

Sounds like he needs that law passed in a hurry.

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Agreed...but then I always wanted a sexy dopey sweet girlfriend like Phoebe.

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I just had a great idea for a reality show. Bloggers have to write their blogs under challenging circumstances. Blogging while riding a bike (winner is determined by who can go the furthest before crashing. Blogging while skydiving (can't open the 'chute until you finish). Blogging in a swimming pool that has piranhas on the other side of a timed gate.

We can call it Blog or Die. It will provide entertainment AND reduce the number of bloggers out there. Win!

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From his website, he doesn't sound like a typical republican. He sponsored legislation requiring mortgage brokers to be licensed, and not to be convicted fraudsters! Is he now trying to polish his tea party credentials by saying that he started moves to repeal some overreaching legislation?

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A law about hands on bicycle handlebars is outdated. As is a law about co-habitating. Fair enough. What laws do Repubicans think we need in this day and age?

Women aren't wise enough to decide about an abortion unless the doctor reads a government declaration. And she looks at a sonogram. And waits a bunch of hours.

Voters should not be able to vote too early. Or register too easily. Or by merely declaring their name. That kind of voting is outdated.

Then there's the 14th, 16th, 17th Amendments.

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