Luckily, no chance.

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I like this. But, like all physicists, I want a tighter title.

White Dwerp?


I'm thinking something about SHAPIRO, but I'm not currently competent to address this. I'm thinking the O is Object (like in MACHO). Give me a few hours.

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That would be racist and terrible, and the guy should be banned. As Ben Shapiro would undoubtedly be telling us.

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There's only one "n" in caned.

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We've been making booze for thousands of years - that's hardly "cutting edge."

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"Failed star" seems to cover most of these wingtard wannabe pundits.

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Wifey doesn't know the meaning of "embezzlement" - and/or she has an idiot lawyer. Unless Sterling put the gf on the payroll, with contol of his money (and not just his dick.)

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" The coach, these players and their agents surely knew about Sterling's legacy..."

Just like his tenants, who rented from him despite his racism. They were free to live elsewhere, right?

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<i>The big problem is that the market is turning on Sterling not over action, but over words</i>

Ordering your girlfriend not to associate or bring blacks to his basketball games is pretty much an ACTION.

They twist themselves into the damnest contortions with all the mangling of facts they go through.

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Exactly. This isn't censorship, this is fellow owners telling one of their own to shut the fuck up.

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Yes, Ben Shapiro. Be afraid of the future, where your shitty awful racist speech in private is recorded and blasted out there, for all the world to rail against.

I'd suggest the solution of <i>not being a racist fuck ever,</i> not even in your private life, but that's probably my totally opressed unfreedomized racism-is-unacceptable upbringing doing the talking.

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No fear. In Ben's fundraising sham it's the lefties who are totalitarian. Trix will write you a get-out-of-FEMA-camp pass.

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Ben's postion.

Racist thoughts/speech = protected without repercussion.

Thoughts AND actions on the gheys & religion = Burn 'em at the stake.

Shapiro published a list of administration officials who had participated in producing videos for the “It Gets Better” project, asking them to “either step away from the It Gets Better Project” or call for Savage’s resignation from it. “Anything less,” he wrote, “is an endorsement of his bully tactics.”

More SHAPIRO: "This is not a country that discriminates against Jews and homosexuals. When we do find somebody who discriminates against homosexuals, THEY SHOULD BE CALLED OUT BY EVERY PERSON OF GOOD-HEARTED INTENT AS THEY ARE IN THE UNITED STATES 2014. This is not 1952".

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Bully / victim / bully / victim, rinse and repeat.

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P.S. I meant to clarify that Ben does not actually care for nor like the gheys even when is he being a hypocritical asshole.

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Christie/Sterling 2016!

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