<i>"To attempt to have intercourse with a hornet's nest is a very bad idea," Siv During Livh, a psychologist and expert on sex fantasies told the news website.</i>

I imagine that the psychologist was trying very hard to be all Swedish and not laugh hysterically when he made that remark.

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No doubt. And that charming Reddit guy, Michael Brutsch, aka Violentacrez, lives in nearby Arlington. He's the fellow who posted photos of (real) dead teenage girls for the purpose of giving other fellas something good to fap to.

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Marceaux.com / Sheridan 2016!!!

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OK, so according to this map, hate in this country tends to cluster in areas where people live. Good to know.

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"We're township Preston's Loooony Hearts Cunt Homofags, We hope you will enjoy the show!"

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My hometown barely registers as a blip, and only for a couple of the words.

This makes me happy.

My state capitol, on the other hand... Shame on you Helena! SHAME!

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You too? I thought it was a brain tumor.

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What sound does a double * make.... I am having trouble reading that last sentence...

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Maybe if they were large caliber votes?

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I bet he does kiss his mother with that mouth… and with a lot of tongue. What a creep.

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I like how he clarifies his threats with “No bodily harm” “Don’t call the police”.

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This guy calling the <em>reporter</em> a disgrace to the city is much like the pot calling the fresh-fallen snow black.

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Sure is!

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I'm not quite sure why he'd have an opinion about Trinity College, Cambridge's <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/First_and_Third_Trinity_Boat_Club" target="_blank">boat club</a>.

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Geoff Peterson got away with saying "see you next Tuesday" on Craig Ferguson awhile back. Slipped right past the censors.

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"Did you listen to your voicemail?"

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