If he changed "if I get" to "if everyone gets" then he could also change each "no" to a "yes."*

*Mostly, but not around children and/or immunocompromised peeps.

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Anti-vax parents across the country have made it clear they’re sick of dealing with their kids all day and demand the return of their free daycare service. School districts are going to comply out of fear of reprisal until a governor shuts them down so they can blame someone else.

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What, were there no Whataburgers then???

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He died as he lived: like a dumbass.

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“A zombie bite is no worse than the flu! You can’t take away my freedom! We can’t live in fear! You have to die of something, so why not become a walking corpse?”

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As an extreme introvert I can stay on lockdown as long as needed. Even longer.

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Gosh, if only she could have done something that could have lessened the chances of this happening

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My HS frosh and HS senior kids are both double-dose vaccinated, which makes it easier for me to send them to the maskless schools with a clearer conscience. I would have them on total lockdown (and did before they got vaxxed) if they were 12 and under. I don't know how parents of single-digit-aged kids haven't gone collectively insane and started speaking in tongues at this point.

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we don't need to apologise for them - we got rid of them for the most part and you guys welcomed them with open arms - i don't think they're even citizens here anymore (but i could be wrong)

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People are still trying to appeal to compassion and common sense when it is obvious right wingers have neither

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Did we think they would?

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Do You Smell What I Smell (Because I Can’t Smell Anything)

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Surprised to see that it is a Hearst paper, and not a Gannett one, as they have made many NY state papers toatlly worthless...

Gannett wastes of space in NY...

Press & Sun-Bulletin, BinghamtonStar-Gazette, ElmiraThe Ithaca JournalPoughkeepsie JournalDemocrat and Chronicle, RochesterThe Journal News, Westchester County

In the case of the Binghamton, Elmira, and Ithaca papers, the latter two had their printing presses closed and all printing is now done in Johnson City (near Binghamton). They also started putting 'regional' front page stories in all three. So If the big story happened in Elmira, it would also be the front page in Binghamton and Ithaca. If in Ithaca, then also in Binghamton and Elmira. And if in Binghamton, then also in Elmira and Ithaca. Of course with Bingo being the larget city, they get the most stories.

Ironically, Ithaca has the best local daily paper, but it is the Cornell (University) Daily Sun. The students actually live in Ithaca, while most of the alleged reporters of the Ithaca Urinal, do NOT. Unfortunately, the Sun only publishes during the school year, and only has two paper editions per week (every day is available online).

It is no suprise that for quite a while now (decades), students at the Sun have broken local (non-school) stories that mysteriously appear in the Urinal a few days later, rewitten.

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mythbusters need to reform and debunk the crap out of this nonsense, is all i'm sayin'

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Funny, where I live, one would rather be near university students, who are studying FACTS, instead of the outskirts where the (relatively few, admittedly) MAGAts live.

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They might have good doctors, but not as many good social scientists

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